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Daisy woke up surprisingly early the day of the visit to Diagon Ally, and at first she didn't know why.

"Wow, I actually woke you up!" Poppy said, surprise echoing in her voice.

"What are you doing in here! You're supposed to knock!"

"I did, but you were a sleep and never answered." Poppy was bouncing up and down on the edge of Daisy's bed. "Aren't you at all worried or excited?"

"Why would I be?"

"Well, maybe because we are going to, lets see, Diagon Ally today? That you're going to meet a bunch of magical people like you soon?"

"Oh. Right." Daisy rolled out of bed and pushed her sister out. She got dressed in normal clothes, not knowing what else she could wear. Her dad had said that some wizards he had seen wore robes, but she didn't have any of those, and she would feel weird wearing them anyway.

Eventually she sat on the edge of the bed and waited. She didn't want to talk to anyone – she didn't feel any excitement, she felt scared. Her stomach felt like a toad was hopping around in it.

Daisy jumped when she heard someone knock on her door.

"Hey, it's time to go," whispered Harry as he peeked into the room.

"Oh," Was all Daisy said when she got up to follow Harry.


"So where exactly is this wizard road place?" Dudley asked.

"It's not far from here, just across the road." Harry watched Dudley look across the road, where only a shabby pub stood. Of course, Dudley couldn't see it yet, only Daisy could.

"There's nothing there, Harry."

"It's there alright. Muggles can't see it until a wizard has brought them in at least once. Daisy can see it, can't you?"

"That shabby old place?" Daisy replied.

"Yep, that shabby old place. Lets go." Harry opened the door for his cousin and niece.*

Dudley gasped as the pub suddenly appeared as he stepped through the door. It wan't that strange of a place, except for the people in it. Nearly everyone inside was wearing a long robe. For the first time Dudley wondered if Harry only dressed like a muggle to make them more comfortable. Did he normally walk around in a long flowing robe like these folk?

"Follow me," Harry murmured. As the three of them walked by, several people turned to look at them. Harry nodded at them, and kept walking. When they got to the back yard surrounded by a brick wall, Dudley was stumped. Where did they go now.

His cousin stepped forward and tapped several bricks on the wall. Dudley watched in amazement as the brick folded away to reveal an archway, and an entire ally behind it.

"Amazing," He said. Dudley looked over at Daisy, expecting to see excitement in her face. Instead, she looked green and sickly. "It'll be okay darling. Harry will guide us." Daisy nodded at him, face unchanged and hands shaking.

"Alright then," Harry said cheerfully. He hadn't yet noticed that Daisy wasn't as excited as he had been his first time. "Let's go find the rest of the family."

Daisies • HP Next GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now