Skeletal Warnings

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Chapter 21

Skeletal Reminders

"Just hold still one more moment," Sophia said to Daisy. She was tracing lines of eyeliner across Daisy's face, in a pattern Daisy couldn't recognize without a mirror.

Project Halloween Party had failed, but as rumors had spread, most of the first years had decided to dress up anyway.

"Are you sure we should be doing this, Sophie?" Daisy asked.

"Of course. Look," Sophia held out a hand mirror for Daisy to view her reflection in.

Daisy held the copper handle and looked into the glass. Sophia had drawn the outlines of bones all over her face, and had insisted on using makeup to make Daisy's face paler herself instead of getting an older student to do it with magic. Daisy had agreed, realizing it would make her photos to Emma even more believable.

"It looks good," Daisy said hesitantly. It truly was a good illustration, just not what she had been expecting. She continued to look at her reflection as Sophia tied both her own, and Daisy's hair up into matching buns. Both girls were wearing their normal Hogwarts robes their only decorations being Daisy's skeleton makeup, and Sophia's cat accessories.

"This is going to be great," Sophia squealed, resulting in a groan from Daisy as she followed her over-exuberant friend out of the dormitory.

Already at the Gryffindor table for breakfast were Lily and her friends, Jonathan, Hugo, and Jasper, all in costumes. Jonathan and Hugo wore bat costumes, Jasper and Gracie were in vampire costumes, Wyatt dressed up as Harry Potter, to everyone's amusement.

"You jinxed Halloween!" Lily said, laughing, "Bad stuff always happened to my dad on this day!"

Lily hadn't dressed up as anything, but had instead convinced James, to lend her the Potter family invisibility cloak. She had taken to walking around with only her head sticking out, startling everyone that had not seen someone in an invisibility cloak before.

That was the limit to the celebration for most people. But a few people, James and Fred II along with a few followers, decided to start a prank war. Unfortunately, the two fourth years were given a detention after their third prank, giving students candies that turned their ears into those of a variety of animals. Daisy spotted a girl with cat ears, a boy with ears like a hound's, two girls with mouse ears, and a boy whose ears seemed to have vanished altogether, leaving only greenish-tinged slits.

Jonathan leaned over and whispered "Fred told me they're supposed to be toad ears!" Unfortunately another fourth year girl was sporting rabbit ears, and unlike the others who had taken it in good fun, had burst into tears and then became angry! She and her friends shot glares at the boys and anyone else who dared to laugh. It was assumed that one of them had gotten the James and Fred in detention.

It was a strong reminder of family for Daisy. Although her mother was quiet, she could never refuse a good prank war, which was always lead by Poppy. Dudley and Daisy herself never got too into it, but when Poppy and Anna got the whole neighborhood involved, no one got away with never pulling a prank, or at least assisting in one, themselves.

Daisy could only laugh at the things she pictured Poppy being able to do with magic. She would have been right there in detention with Fred and James, but still smirking out of view of the teacher, pleased with what she had done. She would definitely fit in here.

Emma had always taken part in the prank wars as well, and was usually the reason Daisy was pulled in. Even though Emma didn't live on their street, she lived close enough to walk the distance between their houses, and take part in any event that was going on. Unfortunately, Emma would never see the magic of wizard pranks.

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