The Elder's Anger

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Harry looked at Daisy's face as she realized they weren't lying or joking. The amusement in her face faded to surprise and realization. Harry imagined he had probably looked something like that when Hagrid had said, "You're a wizard Harry." At least, Harry thought, their front door is still in tact.

"So, how do I get into this school? Where do I get all my things? And what do I do if I don't want to go?"

Doesn't want to go? She doesn't want to go? It hadn't once crossed Harry's mind that anyone wouldn't want to go to Hogwarts. His mouth curved down in a small frown. "Why don't you want to go?" He asked.

"It's not that I don't want to," she muttered. "It's just that I'd be leaving so many things behind here: my parents, my sister, all of my friends..." her words died out there. There was a pause of silence in the room. "What would I tell my friends? I can't very well say, 'I'm not coming back to school because it turns out I'm a witch and have been excepted into a special school,' can I?"

"No you can't tell them that. But you'll make loads of friends at Hogwarts, I promise you. You already have a few – Lily, Al, and James all go there. And, I'm sorry to say that it's required to go to a wizarding school if you have magic, and muggle parents that can't teach you."

"And I'm sure you'll be able to text your friends as often as you want, Daisy," Dudley added.

Harry's face flushed. This was obviously not going the way he had expected. "Actually, electronics don't work at Hogwarts."

"Don't work!" She shrieked. "Just when I get my first phone, I get sent off to a school where it will be no use?"

"Excuse me," Professor Mcgonagall interjected, "but this year we are adding a small building just out of Hogwarts grounds. It won't be magically protected, so there is risk, but muggle born's and half-bloods are welcome to keep electronics there. They can use them every weekend, and have full internet access and cellular signal."

Harry stared. Here was Mcgonagall of all people talking about muggle technology like it was something she dealt with every day – which maybe it was. If Daisy was acting like this, surely other muggle-borns were too.

"But what if Dudley or I need to contact her during the week?" Anna asked, saying her first words in the conversation.

"I can give you the telephone number for the office outside of Hogwarts, and they will send us an owl." Mcgonagall stated. "Alternatively, you could just buy your own owl. They're quite good friends as well as messengers."

"You can buy one – or two – when you buy your things. I was hoping that you would like to join me and my family two days from now to shop for school supplies. We can explain more to you then, and help you find your way around," added Harry.

"I guess that's what we'll have to do," Dudley conceded. He was taking the news much better than Harry had expected. He guessed that Dudley had noticed the signs just like he had. "Now if you don't mind," Dudley said, "We'd like to take a bit of family time to think about this."

"Of course," Harry and Mcgonagall said in unison, standing and heading towards the door. The whole Dursley family followed them out. Harry had just started to pivot on one foot to disapparate, when he saw a familiar red face filled with anger and heard, "What is that boy doing here, Dudley?" and with a crack, he and the headmaster were gone.


Dudley groaned. Now was the absolute worst time for his parents to be here. Why were they here anyway? The already had come by earlier with a gift.

Reluctantly, Dudley escorted his parents into the house, back into the living room. His mother was silent, and by the look on her face, she knew exactly what had happened. His dad still hadn't caught on yet.

"How dare he intrude on this family?" He sputtered. "The Boy hasn't been seen since he made us move, and now he turns up? What's that about? I hope you haven't been letting Daisy and Poppy hang around his type."

Dudley sat speechless facing his Dad. How was he supposed to tell him the news?

"Actually, Vernon," Anna said for him. "Harry and his family come around once a year near Christmas. We do something fun together, like play basketball, boardgames, or just chat. Also, I think we'll be seeing a lot more of him soon. He just came by to tell us Daisy has been accepted into Hogwarts."

Well, that was bold of her Dudley thought. Especially since I'm not sure she believed my stories about Harry until today.

"Our Daisy? A – a -a – one of them?" Dudley's dad spat. "It can't be true. She's normal, just like the rest of us. You won't let her go, will you Dudley?"

Dudley finally seemed to find his voice. "Of course I will. I can't have magic exploding out of

her because she never learned to control it, can I? And over all these Christmas holidays, I've realized that their world might not be as bad as we always thought.

"But – but you just can't -"

"I agree with them Vernon," Petunia said softly. "We should go, and give them some time alone."

Chapter 4, already out! 

As always, comments are welcome. If you have any names to put into the hogwarts staff, please say so. And, I need names for student extra's too. You could put your own name, then you'll be in my Hogwarts! There are limited spots though...

bye :-)

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