Keeping in Touch

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Chapter 19

Keeping in Touch

The rest of the school week seemed to pass far too quickly according to Daisy. It was already Saturday morning, and they had passed the point of school were they received no homework. All of the first years had some from every class, and it was clear that most of them hated it.

But homework wasn't the only thing that happened. There was much more going on that made attending Hogwarts worthwhile. Every day they had their choice of delicious dishes at every meal (a big deal for Daisy), they learned extraordinary things about magic, even if there was homework, and simply being on the Hogwarts grounds was amazing.

That morning Daisy got her first owl reply. Her owl, Constellation, who she now affectionately called 'Connie' landed on the breakfast table with the dozens of other owls delivering the post.

"Oh, hello," she said, reaching out for the letter attached to the owl's leg. Daisy opened the letter and began to read.

Dear Daisy,

I'm glad that you seem to be enjoying yourself at Hogwarts. From what I've heard, I think that I agree with one on the idea that I would be in Gryffindor.

Right after you left, Gran and Grandad visited. I think Gran is proud of you for going to Hogwarts, or at least she will support you. We'll have to see about Grandad though. I'm sure when he sees you in person he'll be much more willing to hear what we have to say.

I have named my pygmy puff! His name is now Albert.

Speaking of Albert, he got out of his cage the other day when I had a friend over. I told dad, and he and I took turns distracting my friend, and trying to grab Albert before she saw him. It was quite a scary situation at the time, but afterwards we both laughed about it. Mum couldn't see what was funny, though. Tell me more about your classes in your next letter!

Love <3


Daisy could almost imagine the chaos Albert had brought to the household, especially her mother, but just as she was about to wander further into her daydream, she felt a sharp poke at her wrist.

"Ow," She said unintentionally. When she looked for the culprit, it turned out to be Constellation, who had turned away again to nibble at some of Daisy's bacon. Daisy made a face. How sanitary could this be? Yet students all over the hall were feeding owls from their plates. Daisy pushed a few pieces of bacon to one side of her plate, keeping hers separate from Connie's. Choosing not to take anymore food, Daisy waited eagerly for her friends to finish.

"What's the rush?" Sophia asked. "It's the weekend, yet you're bouncing around in your seat as if we might be late to something."

"I'm just really excited," Daisy replied.

"For what?" Jasper had finally looked up from his crossword puzzle to join in the conversation.

"I don't know, but it's the weekend, so we could do anything!"

"Anything, as in homework," Sophia muttered.

"You're overreacting," Jasper said. "We don't have anywhere near the amount that the seventh years have, and they still have a bit of free time."

So, with Daisy and Jasper's persuasive skills, the three of them ended up working on their homework under an alder tree near the black lake. By midday they had finished everything except Herbology and Wizarding Culture.

"I almost wish I had taken the class about Muggle Life instead of this one just so that I could have used pencils and a notebook instead of this quill!" Sophia complained. She had just spilled some ink from her inkwell, and as none of them had learned to clean it up yet, much of the ink was wasted.

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