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A/N  Hi! So I finished this chapter a while ago, and I hope you enjoy it. Just be warned, this one wasn't edited by my beta (yet) and it will probably be re-uploaded or edited in the near future. I just decided that some of you would probably really appreciate it if I updated. Hope you like it grace-lily-potter!!!!

11/20/18 update: Some additions in the part with Emma were made since I first uploaded the chapter, as well as a slightly longer ending to the chapter. 

 "And this year, I announce the House Cup winner as Ravenclaw, with 500 points" Professor McGonagall proclaimed on their last evening. The Ravenclaw table erupted into cheers, forcing the Headmistress to pause before continuing. "In the second place, we have Gryffindor with 487 points," another pause for more cheers, "and tied for third place are Hufflepuff and Slytherin, each with 470 points."

There were mixed responses to that final comment, with some students glaring across tables towards "enemy" students, and others high-fiving their opposing classmates. Many had been surprised at the standings, what with so many large point amounts having been given and taken from each of the houses.

"We thank you for taking all of this in good sport. This year ended with very close standings. Perhaps some of you will take that as motivation to do even better next year," McGonagall concluded.

Back at the table, Sophia nodded. "I now know which teachers appreciate extra questioning, and which will take away points for interrupting class with unnecessary questions."

Daisy laughed. "And, next year, you'll earn us loads of Defense Against the Dark Arts points to make up for it."


"I'll send the both of you an owl every week," Daisy said to her friends. The Hogwarts Express had just arrived at Kings Cross Station, and students were rushing forwards to meet their families.

"I'll look forward to it," Jonathan said, speaking above-normal volume to be heard.

"I'll probably have to share an owl," Sophia added, "but I'll send back letters when you send me yours."

Daisy nodded. "I see my parents," she said. "Bye!" She started to pull her trunk in the direction of her mom and dad when Poppy rushed to her side.

"I missed you!" Poppy whispered into Daisy's ear, her arms wrapped around Daisy's middle. Connie screeched from inside her cage as if to express her own greeting.

"We all missed you, Daisy," Dudley agreed, as he and Anna caught up to them.

Except for Grandpa Dursley Daisy remembered silently, but she grinned back anyway. "You have to tell me everything exciting that's happened since Christmas," she noted.

Anna's grin seemed to tighten slightly. "I think that you'll have a much more interesting story than anything that's gone on around here," she said. "I heard that there were some... unusual events happening at Hogwarts earlier this term."

Daisy winced, wondering just what her mother had heard. "Yeah. I'll tell you about it when we get home though. Let's go."

Less than an hour later, the family pulled up to their home in Little Whinging. It looked just as it always did in summer, with the flowers in front in full bloom. None of the neighbors were out, but there was someone walking towards them a distance away.


"Yeah?" Dudley said, reaching to take Connie's cage out of the car.

Daisy placed a hand on his shoulder, and he turned his head. "Do you think you could take Connie in through the back and keep her in your room for a little while?"

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