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Chapter 24:

To: Jem1

From: mylifesprotagonist

I need to meet you at the doorway tomorrow, we have a lot of research to do. I tried to ask you when you were getting of the train, but I couldn't catch you on your own. See you tomorrow at lunch?


To: mylifesprotagonist

From: Jem1

Of course, I was hoping to talk to you too. How are we going to reveal this surprise? This is an amazing discovery. We could probably get a ton of house points from all of the teachers - and we'd be set in terms of grades. Not to mention we'd be doing everyone a favor. I can't wait to hear your reveal Ideas. I don't think I'll be able to resist telling someone for much longer. Also, what do you mean by research? I thought we were done. The project is over, there's nothing left to do, is there?


To: Jem1

From: mylifesprotagonist

There's always more to learn my friend. I'll explain it to you when we meet, I promise. We'll have a lot of time to talk. Don't worry about the reveal, we'll talk about that too.


To: mylifesprotagonist

From: asilentwhisper

Again, using your unnecessary fake email to talk to you when I just saw you yesterday. What's your plan with Jonas? You can't keep him in the dark much longer. I'm not sure he'll agree with what we're doing. I'm not sure I agree with what we're doing, even though I'm a central part of it. Just, please don't do anything too bad. Checked on the subject though, he seems to be okay, although not happy.

Love you.


Daisy had not been expecting to be relieved to be back at Hogwarts. After being homesick for so long, why would she be? But even after most of her family had expressed their support, Daisy knew that things would never be the same, all because of her. Her grandmother had gone to retrieve some of her belongings from her shared house with Vernon Dursley, who had convinced her to stay - although Petunia still ended up spending most nights away from home in order to spend time with Poppy and Daisy.

Before, she had truly wanted Poppy to be able to join her at Hogwarts, but now she wasn't so sure. Would it be better for Poppy to be separated from her family and muggle friends, or her one sister in the magical world?

It seemed like Jonathan had the best of both worlds. His family all knew and were okay with his magic. He hadn't had many muggle friends to begin with, having been homeschooled most of his life before Hogwarts. His best friend would be arriving only the next year. In response to questions about break, he had an enthusiastic answer.

"We went skiing! It was great, I'd never been before. I was pretty good at it too, I think. I was better than my mum, at least," He said. "What'd you do, Sophie?"

"Nothing as great as that. I just relaxed with my, uh, siblings I guess. Daisy?"

Daisy explained how she had spent part of her time at her grandparents', part of her time at home, part of her time at a friend's house (Emma's house), and the last day at the Potter's House. Here Lily would have interjected to talk about her vacation, but the morning math class only included first years from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

"And what about Jasper?," Daisy asked, swivelling around in her seat to search for him.

"Back table, get back to your studies!" Professor Finch scolded.

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