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"Wow..." Dudley was speechless as she walked into Gringotts bank. The tall white pillars stood proudly over the clean marble floors and neat desks and tables. Behind those tables strange, and not so friendly looking in Dudley's thoughts, walked about carrying various items. Every once in a while a which or wizard could be seen, one of whom with long red hair waved at Harry. Must be a Weasley, Dudley thought.

All to soon, they had walked up to a Goblin at a desk, and Dudley had handed Harry his muggle money to exchange. What he got back resembled real gold, bronze, and silver pieces. Wizards must be very rich.

Dudley did not enjoy the ride down to his new vault. The ride made him sick, while all around him the kids were clearly enjoying the twists and turns through the cave – even Daisy had broken out of her sullen mood and was laughing.

When it came time to visit Harry's vault, Dudley was again stunned. Someday, none of this magic stuff will be a surprise to me, he muttered. Harry's vault, compared to the smallness of his and Lily's tiny vaults, was like comparing someone completely broke to a millionaire. Maybe I should have let him buy Daisy's stuff – I wonder where all this gold came from! He silently thought to himself.

"Lets go then," Harry said. "Where do you lot want to go next?

"Olivander's!" Lily shouted.

"Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!" James exclaimed.

"Eeylop's Owl Emporium, so we can get Daisy an owl," Albus said practically.

"Alrighty then," Harry said, directing is speech to Ginny. "Why don't I take the boys ahead to Eeylop's, and we'll meet you there after you get the girls their wands?"

"Sounds good," Ginny replied, walking daintily down the front steps of Gringotts. "This way," She said, shepherding Dudley, Daisy, and Lily the opposite direction from where Harry and his sons were going.

They headed into a building that was apparently Olivander's wandshop. A young man stood behind the counter getting another 11-year-old his wand.

"Hello there, Mrs. Potter," an old man Dudley hadn't seen before said. "Lily's first year at Hogwarts, is it? Very nice, very nice. And who is this?"

"Nice to see you Mr. Olivander. This is Harry's niece Daisy Dursley, also starting at Hogwarts," Ginny said to the old man.

"Wonderful, I'll find Daisy her wand, while Sean here finds Lily one."


The young man behind the counter didn't look up as he sent the measuring tape to measure Lily. It wasn't unexpected for her, she had been there when both of her brothers got their wands.

"Do you think this is the right area of wands, Mr. Olivander?" The new assistant asked.

"You need to start trusting your judgment Sean. If you still haven't found her a wand when I'm done with Daisy, I'll help you."

"Well, here you go then. Give this a wave."

Lily lifted the wand and swished it around. It immediately let out sparks, and felt right in her hand.

"Perfect!" Sean said delightedly, his plain face looked very handsome when he smiled.

Both of them looked over to see Daisy's progress. Daisy had already tried 5 wands, each with no success. She was starting to look fearful. Lily could imagine she must be thinking she wasn't really a which at all. On her 10th wand, it finally sparked, and both girls walked out of the shop pleased with their new wands.

"Willow, 12 inches with phoenix feather core, rather bendy," Daisy told Lily on the way to the owl emporium. "What's yours?"

"11 inches, black walnut wood with unicorn tail hair core. Unyielding," Lily replied.

"Let me see, Lil," Albus said, turning up behind an owl cage. After they were finished showing off their wands to James and Albus, Harry called Daisy and Lily over.

"So, as a "going to Hogwarts" present, I've gotten both of you an owl. Take a look."

Daisy's owl was a gorgeous, mostly white barn owl. He was quite young, but had already been owned by someone who had given him the name 'Constellation – my star bird.' I wonder why someone had to get rid of such a precious owl! Lily's owl was a small brown true owl. I'll have to give you a name when I get home. Lily set the reminder in her head.

"Thank you so much Harry!" Daisy said. All traces of the nervousness she had shown at first was gone. Her owl was just perfect. "Will you be getting an owl, dad?" Daisy asked.

"Ah, I think not. We'll just call if we need to contact you. Your mom would throw a fit at a wild animal in the house, no matter how trained it is." Dudley said.

They were now nearing Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, the most fun place in Diagon Ally. And also the place her dad had admitted he was afraid of taking Dudley to.

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