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Minerva McGonagall sat slumped at her desk. She was exhausted. She'd had no sleep that night, and to no avail. No missing students had been found. In only half an hour, she would need to address her staff, and she still had no reasonable theories on where Eliza Wood and Jonas Kreifels had disappeared to. Thoughts about the disappearances floated around her head as she let out her hair and began to repin it.

The student's parents would be informed - if they had not been already. The owls would reach their homes by midday at the latest. The task of writing the letters had gone to their heads of houses. Minerva could admit to herself that she felt guilty about giving them that task. She remembered sending a letter to the Grangers when their daughter had been petrified. That had been difficult enough - and the Grangers didn't even know what being petrified meant. Minerva had found it easier than she had thought she would to tell them that it wouldn't be a problem. Their daughter was receiving the best care, and would be perfectly fine in a couple of months. The Grangers hadn't had a reason to worry too much. But both wizarding families involved this time would know what was going on. She fully expected anxious letters from all of the parents, and possibly an angry Oliver Wood barging into her office.

Both missing students were top of their class, and not known for making trouble. Miss Wood had a bit of a temper, but she always reigned it in before it could get out of hand. She wasn't unlike Minerva herself, back when she had been a student so many years ago. Mr. Kreifels didn't even have that - he didn't get mad or play pranks. He was very much the stereotypical swot. Very knowledgeable, but a bit awkward.

Neither seemed likely to run away for any reason. Neither of them seemed likely to disobey rules by going, for instance, into the forbidden forest and getting lost. But Minerva clung to these reasons, because the only other possibility that came to mind was capture.

But who would want to kidnap Hogwarts students? Prejudice against muggleborns was at its lowest point in history, and those targeted hadn't been muggle born anyway. The students weren't in the same House, so it wouldn't be segregated that way. The students weren't in the same age range, classes, friend groups, quidditch teams, school clubs, or anything Minerva could think of. And if students were captured randomly, would it happen again? Or was this the end?

Her thoughts flickered to the Chamber of Secrets. They knew where it was located now, so surely no one would go to the effort of sneaking around that place, even if they had been able to hide their parseltongue abilities. All the same, she made a mental note to herself to send an owl to the Auror Office. Harry could be sent down to check the abandoned chamber.

Hair now pinned with precision under her hat, Minerva strode out of her office and headed towards the Staffroom where the other school teachers waited.

In more recent years, the staff room had been expanded to accommodate the growing amount of staff Hogwarts needed. It now housed a large sitting area and well equipped snack bar, as requested by many of the younger teachers. What they needed more food for after Hogwarts meals was beyond Minerva's understanding. A cup of tea was all she ever needed.

This morning, every one of the upholstered chairs and couches seated a Hogwarts Professor, to the confusion of the many Hogwarts cats that often sought refuge there. The low hum of worried voices filled the room when Minerva entered. She only had to cough to get their attention. "Does anyone have any news to report?" She asked them. Heads shook across the room. Her heart sank. There went the last chance that everything could just go back to normal.

"Then we must keep searching," She told them. "They can't have gone far. In the meantime, you are to keep strict attendance in all of your classes. After all classes are over, students are to stay in their common rooms unless accompanied by a teacher. There are enough of us that we can arrange for teachers to circle around the school every hour to take students to the library or tech center if they need resources for homework. All quidditch practices must be supervised. But we must remain calm and collected. I'll arrange search groups, and call in any extra help if needed." She thought of the aurors. Qualified ministry fighters parading around her school... would they help, or just cause more fear?

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