A world away.

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'I'd forgotten how pretty this place was.' I murmur to Finnick, I stare out of the car window.

'I know, right? Annie loves the colours but she can't bring herself to come back.'

'You wouldn't think this type of beauty could be capable of all this...'

Finnick moves uncomfortably in his seat and coughs to clear his throat.

'Sorry.' I mumble, realising I've crossed some invisible line; I see Mags' hand snake over to grab Finnick's in her bird like grip.

'Don't apologise...it just hits home...'

'What have I missed?' I ask, knowing I'm missing something.

'Nothing darling.' Mags says softly.

'Don't lie to her Mags... she's with us now she'll find out.'

'Find out what?'

'Not now, when we alone.'


'Let's just say that I know better than most how horrible this place can be.' He whispers close to my ear. I nod, and go back to glancing out the window, the silence seems thick and tangible like a force bearing down on us.

'I never got a chance to thank you.' Finnick's voice shocks me in the silence. I turn expecting him to be talking to Mag's instead I see his green eyes on me.

'Thank me for what Finnick?'

'For not forcing Annie to be here.'

I hear Mags cough loudly and look at her in alarm; her eyes bear into mine as she gives a distinctive shake of her head. So Finnick doesn't know, doesn't know that Mags gave me that job- promised me it was for the best and painstakingly made me realise it was my job because no-one else could do it. She had told me Annie's story, how she wakes screaming in the night and how only Finnick can calm her; how even hearing the presidents voice sends her into a fit of hysteria...after all that I had no option but to agree and be the bigger, stronger person. I didn't just do it for Annie, I did it for Mags too; I didn't want to let her down.

'You don't have to thank me.'

'Yes I do, she was petrified you'd say no.'

'Mags made me realise I was part of this, I would never make her come here Finnick...'

'You know?' Finnick breathes.

'Not everything, I wouldn't make her come here.'

'Then I thank you even more.'


'For being so selfless, I know this isn't easy for you...'

'Hey it's the least I can do... you guys kept me alive.'

We lapse into silence for the rest of the trip, the only movement being Finnick taking my hand in his and giving it an affectionate squeeze which I return.

We stop in front of a big building, a brightly coloured one at that. I look questioningly at Finnick, as I was expecting us to be at the training centre.

'You didn't tell her?' Finnick shakes his head at Mags' grin. 'It's a meeting place for all the mentors for the districts.'

'Why?' I ask, curiosity spiking inside me.

'Because weirdly enough some of them are quite nice people!'

'So basically it's a room full of victors?'

'Yeah.' Mags says smiling.

'Lovely.' I say shooting them both a look, at which they just grin.

'Come-on Miss happy!' Finnick chimes as we climb out the car. I send him a glare which only makes him chuckle.

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