A renewed objective.

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There is something about joining the rebellion that acts to simulate me. I can't put my finger on what it is but what's happened now is that I'm past worrying because like Axel said, it's what we have to do, it's the right thing to do...and if I'm honest what Finnick said has played a major part in my commitment to the cause, he hopes one day Annie will be safe- I hope one day Axel will but this is something I keep to myself because I know he'll tell me I'm worrying over nothing or that I should be worrying about myself... I lay in bed last night, tossing and turning till the early hours making the decision for myself because as much as I knew it was the right thing to do I didn't know whether it was what I had to do, or whether I was being sucked in like one the districts to the Capital's power; it was only as I looked at Axel sleeping that I realised it was my duty to it because not only do I want him safe, but I want a normal life; one that isn't ruled by a games and isn't dictated by a higher rule- I don't want a summer that is full of murder or a new year where its celebrated again. Although I would never have met Axel, if I hadn't of been reaped; I can't bring myself to not wish that I'd never of been reaped and that's why I have to fight- to survive I've killed, I've lost and I've changed, in this world I've felt pain that is unimaginable, I've faced death and ultimately I've faced my moral judgement but weirdly that's what makes me stronger and that's what makes me strive to help so that one day the games are a memory and kids can be kids with the looming fear of the hunger games.

'Morning!' I say as I wander into the main room in front of the chambers; taking a seat in-between Johanna and Axel. I woke this morning to find ready, and gone within ten minutes of throwing my hair up and a bit of highlighting. I slept late, waking with a sun in the sky and the morning dawn a memory.

'Morning.' Johanna said, not looking away from the screen where Katniss and Peeta filled the screen; her looking over his leg which was a bloodied mess but a lot less pus filled than yesterday.

'What's happened?' I get no answer, but a 'shushing' by the Victor I remember meeting at the interviews, Liv- mentor for five.

I watch with an annoyed silence, confused as to what is going on and why both Johanna and Axel alike have faces filled with dread and what I can only describe as pain.

'Such a shame.' Liv says, shaking her head; wiping under her eye as if a tear had fallen. My confusion spirals, in my eyes I cannot see what is worse than yesterday the wound may still be bloodied but it's not anywhere as putrid as yesterday with the infection and all; the leaves and burn medicine has done something...at least I think.

'What's been going on? What has happened?' I hiss at Axel.

'Blood poisoning.' Johanna answers, speaking in a conversational tone. 'It's fatal if he doesn't get treatment soon and no sponsor at this stage of the games will give anything near that; you'd need a few large sponsors or a tonne of small ones- at this stage even the medicine you got Marina is exceptionally high in price never mind the state of the art stuff.'

'How long has he got?' I ask softly.

'Depends.' Liv says not looking away from the screen. 'Fever will get worse, and lack of nutrients means not long and by the looks of it they both know it.'

'Shouldn't you be watching yours?' Johanna asks in a tone that is neither friendly or not.

'Watching the competition.' She sighs, standing and walking back in the direction of the chambers.

'Is she right?' I ask as soon as Liv is out of hearing range.

'More or less, blood poisoning is major stuff and I'm surprised he's lasted as long already- who knows how long it was after being cut that it set in.'

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