Snow's abomination.

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Both me and Axel sit in the love seat closest to Finnick, his voice is so soft but we don't struggle to hear him.

'I was brought in as a mentor early after Matt died, they wanted a male and female mentor if possible and now it was perfect; so, I came to the capital a year after my victory- a little like you Ayda. I was sixteen and petrified of what I was going to see and what I was going to have to do. I was yet to forget my own games. Mags was the female mentor but had basically mentored me because of Matt and his ways...' He takes a long breath. 'Anyways so she helped me through it and basically showed me the ropes. The boy that year was eighteen and was hard work because he didn't want to be mentored by someone younger- but we found a way. Anyway, it was the second day of tribute training and I got summoned to Snow's office...he had realised I was desirable.' I feel sick in my throat; I'm getting uncomfortably hot and I don't know whether I want to know. 'He threatened my family...if I didn't comply. He sent me to a woman as a gift; I was to say thank you for her silence- she gifted me greatly but I didn't care she violated me- used me...on the next day I was put into a car and taken to another woman's house as a gift and the same happened again- throughout the entire games. I tried to hide it from Mag's but she demanded to know and she's known since.'

'But your parents and sister?' I say, knowing already the answer.

'Snow didn't feel the need to keep to his promise I came back from that games to find they all been shot for treason...'

'Oh my god.' I can't breathe. 'He wouldn't... he wouldn't...'

'We don't know.' Finnick says softly.

'Don't know what?' Axel demands.

'Her parents.'

'Yes they died in a fishing accident.'

'No-one could explain how it could have happened...' The words lie heavy in the air.

'Oh...Oh God...' Axel breathes, as I struggle to comprehend my thoughts.

'It's a control thing, it happened with Haymitch, Johanna and a considerable number of others- they are somehow isolated after their victory.' Finnick says softly.

The day was bright and hot, we were in district 11 touring fields full of animals -horses, cows, sheep even a few hens- the morning had been peaceful and after faking it to the crowd the animals had been amazing. Back home we have no need for livestock. When we'd gotten back onto the train after the meal that night, I'd retired to the TV room after Axel had shown me a selection of movies that I could watch. I was curled up with a cup of tea and big slice of cake when both Finnick and Mags had come barrelling through the door. I'd looked up shocked and saw them share a look of concern.

'What?' I said softly.

'Ayda...' Finnick said coming to sit beside me, as Mags kneeled in front of me.

'What?' I asked with more urgency.

'There is been an accident sweetheart.' Mags said softly taking my hand in hers. Finnick removed the tea from my other hand and wrapped both of his around mine.

'What kind of accident?' I couldn't breathe. My stomach was churning.

'Your mum and dad...' Mags had begun.

'They got into trouble in one of the fishing boats...I'm so sorry Ayda.' Finnick said tightening the grip on my hand.

'What's happened, are they really ill?' The words had poured from me, as I'd begun thinking about if they would let me cut the tour short.

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