A black pawn next to the white king.

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Its been three days, seven hours and twenty-six minutes since the end of the feast and in that time, we have lost one but somehow gained two. I don't mean new tributes I mean new people who have been born from cinders of their former selves; like the coal they mine in their districts to light our fires, Katniss and Peeta have become a team to be truly acknowledged as a contender. By some miracle Peeta looks as though he never encountered Cato's sword and instead took merely a small cut; which is only visible through a small limp when he walks but Katniss is a powerhouse; strong certainly not one to ignore.

We lost five though...the day after the feast. Katniss and Peeta went out hunting for food; unknown to them she was trailing them. She looked very underfed and a small of me cried for her; her cheeks were hollowed and her eyes looked as if they'd lost all their sparkle; it looked as if she was slowly starving to death. She followed Peeta when Katniss took the bow to hunt some meat; Peeta came across some berries...dangerous things, night something...night-lock... he had Finnick shouting at the screen in warning, made me jump and spill my tea! Night-lock is basically death in a berry...before it even has a chance to get down your throat your dead. Peeta had collected a whole bunch of them and had went back for more when she'd pounced on the berries; eating a handful straight off whilst picking up another...she didn't get a chance to eat them. The cannon had fired in under ten seconds of her popping that first mouthful in. She looked so small in death, as if she'd shrunk in the arena not just physically but everything about her was weakened; the mysterious and sly character from the interviews and the very start of the games was gone replaced by a girl almost unrecognisable.

That's the thing with these games, they aren't games...they aren't humane. They take away everything you hold as being human; you are a savage foraging to survive in a strange terrain; you kill in order to survive- it's the most oxymoronic vessel known to man. To help keep the importance of living in peace clear in the districts; each must a send two to live in hell and probably die just to stop a war...how does killing solve anything but make the hatred greater, the need for change all the more potent.

Katniss had screamed for Peeta and ran; she's noticed straight off; Peeta hadn't ate a mouthful. But his eyes had fell on Five and something in his eyes alone had scared me. he'd believed it to be Cato's kill but it was Katniss that alerted him to the true reality; as understanding hit him like a freight train; his eyes seemed to double in size and he paled as in took in small, malnourished body in front of him. They hunted and gathered after; collecting a couple of days' worth before heading back to their little cave. Cato was on the other side of the arena, going after Thresh; They were locked in the tall reeds; slipping away from each-other. Thresh is clever, so very clever; if anything he looks stronger and more powerful now than what he did when he first entered the arena, his body hasn't slackened with lack of food if anything he looks better feed! They have been in slow pursuit of each other over the last few days but the hollowing storm that hit two days back has made the viewing nail biting; I haven't been able to tear my eyes from the scream when images flash on. Katniss and Peeta are happily tucked away in their cave but Thresh and Cato...its building something is building to...

'Your wanted.' Finnick's voice is numb; its dark and cold and...something I can't pinpoint.

'What do you mean?' I ask tentatively, turning in Axel's arms; to look over to the lifts.

'Your wanted down in the main plaza.' Finnick gives nothing away with his voice, its emotionless but held so very tightly that its almost breaking free.

'Why?' I ask, turning fully so that I'm resting on the backrest of the couch.

'I don't know, just got told to tell you that you're to present yourself in the main plaza in two hours.'

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