A debt, that can never be understood.

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We sit in silence, for a few too many minutes. My mind is whirring over what Mags and Finnick have said; especially Mags' antidote on the fact that never before have two had the ability to be crowned. It makes me think of what could actually have triggered such a random and insane change in the set-in-stone rule book the games has always followed. Have all the Capital fell for the lovers of District Twelve or have they been played? Do the Capital resident love it that much, that its caused so much turbulence the Game makers had no choice but to implement the new change of ruling? It's weird because I don't see that, I really don't; and yes, maybe it might be because I'm young and that I've not exactly been at the heart of all too many games but something about this screams at me that we're not seeing the whole picture, that this is all some sort of rouse but...I have no proof except for my errant thoughts and my inability to find any loyalty in their games. Axel is equally as silent as myself, except his face is marred with confusion that looks as though it is border-lining pain. For how much must this be an ache that is gnawing at his insides, as everything is falling down around him...he may not have loved the Capital but it has been his home, his life and now all of a sudden, he is stuck in the centre of no-man's land; unable to go back to the naïve and unaware boy but troubled with the idea of going forward and becoming part of the underground...a rebel.

See I don't have that issue, I have no loyalty left. For it is only now as I look at the barbaric games I see the true meaning; what they actually set out to do; for I didn't the stupid propaganda of all this to even start but these games I see that it's just mind control, they have an ability to control the nation- to make people feel, make people fear, make people do whatever they like all because hanging around each of their necks invisible to the naked eye is a noose, in which the Capital and the Capital alone have control of.

'We should go down.' I murmur, wanting to be anywhere but where are thoughts are taking me; all my tiredness is gone I know without a doubt it will catch up on me later- like that days after my games where insomnia hit and I couldn't even close my eyes without my brain taking me back to the arena and then if I did find sleep I would be rudely awoke by my own screams as I saw all things that were and always will be etched into my brain.

'Yeah we should.' Finnick agreed, looking up at me; his eyes bearing into mine as if they could see deep into my soul; and knew just what I was seeing.

Roughly running his hands through his hair, Axel scrapes it back into a bun securing it with a tie that was unseen on his wrist. His agitation is clear in that movement; the roughness in which he moves his hands, the uncaring nature; he is much confused and he is and suddenly I see it all to well being forced into choosing a side, no matter what he has said prior these moments, these last couple of days have been leading to this point- the point in which he must choose his path, and possibly changed the whole course his life will take.

'What you thinking?' I say softly, reaching for his hand and lacing our fingers.

'What do you mean?' He replies just as softly.

'What you going to do?' I whisper.

'What can I do?' And its those words above nothing else that makes me know just how in sync we are because I don't even have to utter the words for him to know just what I'm trying to say.

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Well say these two die, whats going to really happen? There is no change, they die end of story. Even if they live, two victors just two more people who are used the way you lot are! My choice was made the moment your name was reaped out of that ball, the moment Kizzy announced your name I was with you; and that isn't going to change- if you're in then so am I and nothing is going to change that but I don't get why this, this rebellion is making you believe that you have a chance! Snow is the most powerful of men, he has so many people at his disposal you are never going to overthrow him...never...' He utters again.

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