The horrors are released.

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It's funny, even though you don't expect time to move fast when your waiting for something fatal, it does. It still stampedes ahead, leaving you whip-lashed and breathless. Three days have gone by and still Marina is alive; and weirdly enough well fed. Yes, she has killed. And yes, she has showed herself to be beyond merciless; yet all the more weirdly it's made the Capital look at her with interest, look at her as more than just an extra to the Career pack. There have been a few random turns in this year's games that have surprised me more than anything else.

One has been the ridiculously complex way the careers are protecting their food; the pyramid surrounded by the dug up and reconnected bombs that surround the podiums. It's so well thought out and well beyond what I'd even expect of them.

Second is the fact the boy from Twelve is playing a game; and not with the love affair...well I don't think, but he is in fact playing the careers and has made this games a whole new ball game.

Oh and not to forget the third and fourth random turns- both of District Eleven. Somehow the little one is like a bird the way she flies tree to tree, and she's so small people aren't even noticing as she sits and watches them from high up in the branches. And the boy well he's no weak one, not that ever expected but still he poses a big threat, like bigger than big! He's ruthless, and skill wise competent- something about just draws me to believing him as a threat.

But all of that doesn't even contend with the girl from Twelve, Katniss. She's a threat, she's hyper aware of her surroundings and although her death count is still zero I don't think it will stay that very long. She's quick and something about her just screams out danger- it helps that her score of eleven says a lot about her character. They are hunting her, but the boy he's smart and lethal with words; he's able to move them all with just the words that fall from his tongue.

So, day four is where we are, in a very strong position. Johanna and I watch, whilst Blight watches from the outside screen listening to the Capital and their opinions and that leaves Finnick- Finnick is on hand if we need a sponsor, he can just about persuade anyone. So far, we have given her nothing except a light balm for her hand to help heal a cut she got in the bloodbath. This is what is weird, in everything the count of tributes keeps getting lower and lower and...

'Oh shit.' I breathe.

'What?' Johanna snaps looking up from her sandwich.

'Bingo, they have her.'

'What Katniss?'

'Yep.' I breathe pointing to the top corner.


I watch as they cheer and laugh as Katniss pulls herself from the water haven't just been thoroughly burned by a 'bush fire', I sit with bated breath waiting to see if the plan will in fact work out and whether one of the most scheming poorer district teams will be out schemed.

'Why would she climb?' I breathe, as I watch her start to make her way up the tree climbing higher and higher; but making herself prisoner to them.

'Let's hope they have a cannon ready!' Johanna laughs, somewhat cruelly.

The scene plays out before us and I'm right about Twelve she's smart; she's high enough in the tree limbs they can't come after her and she even jokes which I know for a fact will play well with the Capital audience who already love her! I am beyond mystified as they agree with the boy to wait her out, unable to understanding how they aren't seeing through his bluff when they are quick enough to argue between themselves- I think Cato may be blind sighted by his need to rid himself of his biggest opponent. The hours fall away and as the group gets comfortable, none surprisingly setting up a watch system as they moon shines through the clouds Katniss's discomfort is clear to see; her burns are vicious and violent- bubbled blisters already visible to the eye.

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