Chapter IV: Just Ask!

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Okay, it shouldn't be that hard to ask her out, right? I keep thinking of ways to ask her, you know, without sounding REALLY awkward.

Hey there, you wanna go to the dance with me? No, that's not right. 'I'm practicing this in front of my mirror. Why?, I think to myself. Now I'll seem more desperate than I am.. Am I really that desperate?



I sit in my room, thinking of how stupid I sounded even thinking of asking him out. It's a 'Boy Ask Girl' dance, it wouldn't make any sense anyways. I lay down thinking of ways to ask him either way. Umm, would you like to go to the dance with me? Nope, I'm too nervous. Can't think right now.

I finally fall asleep.



I wake up only to see that the clock reads '7:52AM'.


I get dressed, run downstairs, grab a muffin and run out the door. I almost miss the bus, and was lucky to be fast enough to get to it on time. As usual, I sit down and wait until the bus gets the the street corner near the school.

I run to class only to see about four people there.. and Ashlee! I sit down, exhausted.



I see Jason rush into class like he was being chased, so I decide to go see what's up.

-Hey, Jason. Why were you rushing?

-A-Am I late?, he asks, stuttering.

-No, you're a few minutes early, actually, I respond.

-I rushed for nothing, then?, he says, sort of confused.

We hear the bell ring and the class storms in with people. Another day, waiting to see if I can get the guts to ask him to that dance.



After about an hour, I look around the class, thinking about a bunch of stuff I still need to tell her. But I don't know how. One thing is the dance, and the other.. Well, is more important than the dance. Way more important.

I snap out of my daze to the teacher yelling my name.

- Jason! Stop day-dreaming and pay attention to the class!, she says.

- Y-yes, ma'am, I respond, waking up a little bit. I'm pretty sure everybody is scared of our Homeroom teacher. I sure am.


After that wretched class, I meet up with Ash to finally try and ask her out. I doubt I could succeed, but I'll try.

- Hey, Jason, why did you run off the other day? I didn't see you after class, she asks. I'm not sure how to answer that..

- Umm.. I went to lunch with my parents yesterday, no big deal, I answer. Way to go, Jason, way to make it awkward.

- So, I've been meaning to tell you something for a while now.., she says nervously.

- I need to tell you something too.. You go first.

- No, you go! Yours is probably more important, she says nervously.

Here I go..

- Umm.. Will you go to the.. dance? With me? I know your new and it's really awkward and you probab-

She stops me.

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