Chapter VII: The Truth

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- A gift? What kind of 'gift'?

- Powers.. You have supernatural powers.

What? How could I, and why would I have powers? It makes no sense.

- Powers.. Wait, how would you know?

- I just do. Now keep this a secret.. It's dangerous to tell anybody, even telling any of your friends could put yours and their lives at risk, he says. He's being way too serious for this to be a joke.

- Wha- How? I want to know why!

- Meet up with me at my house after school.. We'll talk about it then, where you'll be safe.

- Okay..

Why aren't I safe here? What about the dance?


After school, I get to his house, freaked out of my mind as of what just happened earlier. I knock at the door. His mom answers.

-Excuse me, is Jason here?

-Yes, he's just upstairs, go on ahead, she says. She seems really nice!

I get upstairs. I finally find his room, since the house is quite big, and knock at his door.

-Hey, Jason, it's me, I say through the door, unsure whether to open it or wait until he does.

-Come in!

I walk in.

-So, what's with the "gift" you told me about? I'm confused, and I don't want this ruining our friendship or an-

-You need to be quiet about this, remember?

-But why aren't I safe?

He stops for a few seconds.

He looks around the room, as if somebody was watching, and then proceeds to talk.

-Well, your powers are still unstable and, since you've never known, and I don't know why he wouldn't of told you, you would have known how to use them already.

-Who would have told me? If these powers are my responsibility, I want to know who I got them from!

-Whoa, hold on! Just give me a second so that I can tell you.. It was your father.

I sit there, speechless.

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