1 ~ Ben's Speech

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Third-person narrator:

It'd been two days since Ben's coronation. Everyone was happy and the sun was shining, which was actually more than common in Auradon.

However, Ben himself was opposite of everyone else - he was nervous. He would deliver a speech to all the people of Auradon and had something really important to tell them. He paced back and forth behind the stage he would be speaking on soon.

"Don't worry! Your idea is good. I believe in you", Mal put his hand on Ben's shoulder stopping him.

"Well, I don't know. It can't be worse than the last time", Ben sighed meaning the time he told everyone he's going to let those villain kids (including Mal) to the Auradon.

"Okay then, good luck!" Mal said, smirked at Ben and then kissed his cheek softly.


Ben stepped to the stage calm and started to tell about his idea. He'd decided that he was gonna enlarge the kingdom of Auradon. Princes and princesses even more far away could study in the Auradon Prep and be part of the Kingdom. Ben'd already chosen three of them and introducing them was next.

"I have chosen the three first students from those another kingdoms: lady Pandora, Pocahontas and John Smith's daughter, prince Nigel, son of princess Tiana and prince Naveen and princess Elaina of Arendelle, daughter of queen Elsa", 'finally', thought Ben, while the audience gave him big applauses.

It went good, except when he mentioned Elaina, everybody gasped. Ben had, however, expected that. As his people heard that name Elsa's powers came into their minds and they might've developed prejudices toward Arendelle. Some could even be afraid the history would repeat itself. But Ben, as an optimist, thought that if they learned to trust the VK:s the will trust Elaina as well.

Ben left the stage and saw the villain-four in front of him. "Speak to the devil", he muttered himself as he joined to the group.

The VK:s were discussing about the three future-visitors and didn't saw Ben. Ben spotted Elaina's name from the bubbling conversation. Coughing he made the four crow silent and turn to look at him.

"What do you think, has the snow-queen-junior some superpowers too?" asked Carlos smugly grinning. Carlos had studied the history of magic together with Evie and he really seemed to know about the another kingdoms.

Ben was secretly proud of him but decided to focus on the guestion instead of mentioning his development, "Rapunzel's son Finn has at least and they are relatives so... Why do you even ask?" Ben said frustared about the fact he
didn't really know the answer.

"Cause Jay was really interested in that thing and everything about her at first place", Carlos smirked. Jay flushed crimson red and the other VK:s started to laugh.

"Okay...", Ben smiled, "Then you can take care of her when they'll arrive."

"What?" Jay asked in panic.

"I thought that you would be the right people to welcome them. Carlos, you take Pandora and Evie Nigel. Mal and I have some other things to do", explained Ben.

"And what are those other things?" Jay raised his eyebrow. Now was Ben's turn to flush.

"Don't care about them", Mal said grabbing Ben's arm gently, "They're just teasing."

Ben smiled down at Mal but then turned back to the others, "We have to take a look at another people in island we could bring here", he said quickly and the couple left the hall.

"Jay, how can you even be into someone who you've never seen?" Carlos continued teasing Jay after Ben and Mal were out of the sight.

"Shut it already", growled Jay and stormed out of the place. The hall was getting empty anyway, so the last two went on their way too.

"Do you think Jay might need a girlfriend?" giggled Evie when they were leaving.

Carlos shrugged eating a chocolate bar which he just found from his pocket.

Evie rolled her eyes on him and continued, "Anyway, I think our Jay has grown up in here."

"Agree, he doesn't fight with me that much anymore", Carlos muttered his mouth full of chocolate with a hint of childish anger in his voice. Evie giggled again as they continued their way back to the dorms.

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