22 ~ The Dark Room

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Jay's POV

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Jay's POV

I woke up with a hideous headache. I tried to touch my head but my hands were tied behind my back. What has happened to me? The pictures about last day came to my mind. I remembered that I'd been sent back to the Isle. The limo brought me here. After that I tried to walk back to my dad but then everything went black. That was all I could remember.

I groaned myself. 'Why is this happening to me?' I thought and saw my legs were tied too. Perfect! I couldn't get out of that room. Then I really started to panic; there was a tape across my mouth! I tried to scream but all I could hear was a mumble. I started to wriggle off. It hurt but I didn't care. I needed to get back Auradon and figure out what happened to Hannah.

Suddenly I heard some steps going towards me. When I saw who he was my eyes widened. 'Is he really behind all this?' I thought. When I saw his face I could definitely assure he was. He cast the memory-spell... he got me back here someway... but why? He started to laugh at me. I couldn't take it anymore... I tried to speak him to have some answers. Finally he ripped the tape off.

"Why did you do something like that. You don't even care about her!" I yelled at him. He knew exactly what I was talking about and a wide smirk grew on his face. Oh god how much I wanted to punch his face at the moment.

"You said I don't care... look at yourself. Where were you when she needed you? Oh Jay, she had only me, I was with her when she needed someone. And also now, you're here when she really needs you", Hans answered annoying calmly. Hannah has got the calmly way to talk from him. I shook the thought away and started think my situation again.

He knew why I wasn't here before. Because he removed my memories about her... I wanted to know the reason why but I didn't want to give him that pleasure to ask. I was sure he's somehow behind Elaina's madness too.

"What have you done to her?" I wanted him to finally answer something but of course he didn't say anything. "Answer me!" I started to lose my temper.

"I've done nothing. The question is, what have you done to her?" he said. My heart skipped couple of beats because I knew he was right. I have done horrible things and I couldn't make them up to her anymore.

I still decided to be proud and protest to him, "I would never ever hurt her! I love her! But I think you don't know anything about it!" I spat at his face. I really meant the part I said 'I love her'.

"Oh, that's funny... because I guess you lie to me. You have hurt her, very badly", ouch, the truth hurts, "You don't know anything about love because she doesn't love you anymore and you haven't got it even yourself and I personally know lots of things about love", he said so calmly again.

He lied to me. I knew she still loved me. I could see it from her eyes when we spoke yesterday... "That's a lie", I growled at him and started to whine.

"Stop that!" I was impressed, he almost yelled at me. Finally his mask will fall revealing his truly personality. "I have to show you something", he continued and stepped out of the room.

While he was gone I started to think; How can I escape? Why does he hate me? I thought he actually liked me being the boyfriend of her daughter. And the most important; Is she alright?

He walk back with Evie's magic mirror in his hand, "Where did you get that? It belongs to my friend!" I shouted to him. Have something happened to Evie?

He didn't even smirk at me before saying, "It doesn't matter right now. Just let me show you something. Then you'll understand..." he said almost gently and showed me the mirror. I took a look at it and gasped.

I saw Hannah lying down on her bed. She looked horribly ill with her white hair and pale skin. There was Finn also in the room. Hannah reaches her hands weakly around his neck and pulled him closer. Finn leaned closer and kissed her deeply. Hans put the mirror away.

"No, that's not true, it just can't!" I had seen all I wanted but I couldn't believe she would choose him after everything. I felt so much mentally pain at the moment I have never felt in my whole life. It hurt. The truth hurt.

"I think you're starting to annoy me", he said and placed the tape back across my mouth. He threw the mirror on the floor right next to me but that far I couldn't pick it up with my tied hands.

I was depressed. She didn't love me. It doesn't matter anymore that her own father was behind all this. That he was the one who separated us. No, now she'll live her happily ever after with someone else... my life had no purpose anymore. I started to cry on the floor. I had absolutely nothing to lose.


Hans' POV

I met dr. Facilier at his house. I grinned wildly when I ended up there. The smile on his face grew too when he saw my grin.

"It succeeded", I said like it wasn't obvious already, "He's out of my daughter's life and you don't owe me anymore", I explained. We got a deal and it was completed now from his side. I had still to get rid of Jay but that was none of Facilier's business.

"That was actually very easy... we needed only smuggle a spell behind the barrier, guard who's our side and stupid teenage hormones", Facilier laughed back.

"You're so right!" I said, "She has already found someone else. He's a prince so I have to accept their relationship... only thing I feel bad about is the curse or whatever it was what that ice princess cast on her... I couldn't know that there would be someone insane with her..." I said and lowered my glance.

"Don't be down. She's alright now... all thanks for that prince", Facilier said.

"He did something to my daughter I couldn't do her mother long ago... she's found it, the true love", I sighed and smiled proudly.

"And don't forget how good job she did when she got Jay back here. You're a great manipulator", Facilier smirked at me.

"I guess so", I smirked back, "and I'm proud of her", I said truthfully. I had manipulated Hannah get rid of Jay and it worked, our whole plan had worked. But why I somehow still felt bad..?

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