19 ~ A Terrible Change of Plans

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Hannah's POV

I ran away. Not because I wanted. I'd have really enjoyed staying on his arms. But I was afraid. I was afraid my feelings I got when he kissed me. I felt fireworks inside me, I felt shivers when he touched me... I felt something I didn't feel when Finn kissed me earlier. And I almost kissed him back. I didn't want to think about that part. I did what my head told me and ran away. I was running when someone bumped into me. I almost fell down to the floor but that someone caught me. I looked up and saw Finn. I pulled him closer whining.

He rubbed my back softly and stroked my hair, "It's okay... I'm here now", he whispered to my ear and I calmed down. Then I looked back into his eyes.

"Please forgive me", I sniffed to him.

"What are you talking about?" he asked tenderly.

"He kissed me... I pushed him away... right after... I didn't want to... he forced me..." I stammered and broke into tears again.

"Hannah... it wasn't your fault. But I'll teach something to him", he hissed the last sentence between his teeth.

"No. I don't want you to", I said to him, "You would act like he if you'll do that."

"You're right", he pulled me even closer on his arms, wiped my tears off and walked me back to my dorm.

Finn's POV

I walked Hannah to her dorm after she had calmed down. Anyway, I'd become the one who was furious. 'How dare he do something like that to my girlfriend?' I clenched my fists. I needed to make sure she didn't care about him anymore... somehow. "Will you go on date tomorrow night?" I finally asked nervously.

She looked into my eyes. Oh, I could keep looking at her forever. She smiled, kissed my cheek and nodded. "Meet me in the edge of the forest, 6 pm." I said softly and started planning what would I do with her. She's something special... and I really wanted to make something special for her.


Hannah's POV

After Finn left my sight I ran immediately at Evie and Mal's dorm. The door wasn't locked so I opened it without knocking. I panted when I finally got inside.

"Hannah, what have happened?" Evie looked at me with worrying face.

"Lot's of things... but the most important... is... Finn asked me out tomorrow..." I tried to catch my breath.

"Oh my gosh!" Evie shouted and hugged me, "I'll make you dress this time", she winked at me.

"Thank you! I'm so nervous... already, what shall I do? I have never been dates like this before!" I sounded desperately.

"No need to worry, I'll take care of everything", Evie said and gave me a huge smile. Suddenly the door opened and Mal stepped inside.

"Oh hello Hannah, and congratulations for you and your new boyfriend", she smiled too then she looked like she had just remembered something and continued, "Your cousin is totally out of her mind by the way. You'll never guess."

"Nothing can surprise me anymore", Evie said bored but I really wanted to hear about my cousin. Mostly because I don't know her and she doesn't want to speak with me so I wanted to know something even in that way.

"Ben hired a psychologist to speak with her", I gasped when Mal said it, "He thinks there isn't everything right with her. She doesn't speak with that psychologist and she can be dangerous. Ben wanted me to warn you, Hannah, because he thinks she might do something to you", Mal stopped. I and Evie both looked at her with widen eyes.

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