2 ~ Full of Emotions

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Jay's POV

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Jay's POV

I went to my and Carlos's dorm. I was very confused. How could I dream about something I have never seen? All of this: Arendelle, Elaina and this whole thing sounded so familiar and I had no idea why. I even had the feeling I knew what this Elaina looked like. I pictured blond hair and blue eyes immediately. It must've been Carlos rambling about how people in northern kingdoms looks like or something. I was going crazy, truly. But still, I couldn't get my head around anything else so I decided to go to the library and find little bit more out about Arendelle.

I grabbed my leather jacket and was ready to go when I heard knocking. Opening door I was a bit annoyed I couldn't go but on the other hand I had all the time in the world so this Elaina problem could wait. Also, whatever it was what interrupted my plans can help me to forget my thoughts about Arendelle for a short period of time at least. Behind the door there was upset-looking Audrey.

I had a bad gut she might be interested in me even though she was with Chad at the moment. Well Chad's not the dreamiest prince even though he actually is a prince plus their ralationship has seemed simply as a cover-up after Ben left her because of Mal. On the top of this Audrey has been really interested what I'm doing and with who lately. I hoped she didn't have any feelings though, you know she's kind of annoying... you know her. But because I also have a heart I chose to let her in. Anyway, I had to admit to myself I really liked her once... but that was for the looks and when I'd just came to Auradon.

"Oh, hi princess", I said flirtatious as always... What? That's my way to talk people (=girls).

"Jay, I just can't take it anymore", she cried out overdramatically and threw herself on my bed. I followed her sighing.

"What's wrong?" I asked trying to sound kind. Mentally I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"It's Chad. He's such a jerk!" huffing, she crossed her arms on her chest.

I sat next to her on my bed, "That wasn't actually anything new to me so could you please tell why you came to tell that? I'm not expert in that kind of things, you know... I don't do girl talk!" I raced my eyebrows to her. She started to giggle.

"Why's everyone laughing at me today!" I yelled but she could hear from my voice that I was joking.

"You're just so funny... and I prefer you over most girls when it comes to my problems", she said trying to be serious but I saw a small smile tucking in the corner of her mouth. I shrugged my shoulders.

"That's what friends do, right?" I smirked at her, "And you forgot the royal jerk, for a while at least."

She let out a small laugh, "Yeah, that's true", she said," Can I have a hug?" I just smiled and grabbed her into my arms friendly... I guess.

"Always", I whispered. She turned her head so I could see her eyes and nodded. Then she leaned closer trying to kiss me. I pulled away and just shook my head. She ran out of the dorm.

"Perfect", I muttered after she was gone. Then I watched the clock. Way too much, the school's library had been closed for a while... I had two options: either wait til the following morning or break inte the school library. Nah, I was done with breaking in places, also, I had promised Ben and didn't want to risk hir trust for me. Next morning it shall be.

I forgot Audrey quickly and started to think about Elaina once again. I couldn't get her out of my mind. Her name was so familiar and that remainded me of maybe something, no, someone else... the memories were so opaques. I just had a feeling that I have missed something really important.

Actually, I was quite sure that I must have forgotten something. I didn't really remember lot of the life in the Isle... Is that just the feeling when you find some place like home and then your gonna lose the memories of the place were you lived before? Might be... Or have I really forgotten something important? In that case I would be very scared...

Maybe there's no need to mention but it was rather hard to fall asleep with these thoughts on mind.

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