2. Ai Yai Yai

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Dedicated to Bridezilla007. Thank you so much for being such a supportive and enthusiastic reader darling!

The amazing banner above was made by Life_is_Music1. Thank you honey! You're incredible!


This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


Suzzanah's POV

After about 15 minutes into the journey and having crossed over 40 powerful mazes, I started to slowly feel myself getting used to the sensation of passing through them. Zuerien kept rubbing my back or stroking my hair gently which did wonders for keeping me oriented.

I decided to keep my doubts about the Shadow People and their possible security measures to myself till Alpha Penson got here. After all, who better than the Alpha of Wisdom to explain such things to me.

Although...I'm pretty sure he'll leave me with more questions than answers...

Initially, the thought of the Shadow People having special defenses set up to keep us out had really worried me. After all, such a development would only mean that rescuing Karina would get ten times harder.

But Zuerien had assured me that we would retrieve her at all costs, as had the others. And if the Shadow People really did have their own barriers set up to keep the Werewolves out of their territory, then I was sure that Zuerien and the others were already aware of them.

Once I had arrived at that conclusion, I started to feel a little bit better. Things were looking difficult, yes, but not impossible.

We were here, in Dublin. We were here to rescue Karina. We had a plan, one I was unfortunately not aware of, but there was a plan nevertheless.

And I wasn't alone. My mate and friends were with me. I just needed to trust that they knew way more about this world than I did and if they still thought there was a good chance of being able to save Karina, then I believed them.

Hope for the best Anna...

Keeping that in mind, I decided not to let the Shadow people's powers overwhelm me anymore. Instead I concentrated on getting used to mazes and the obvious impact they were having on my body and mind.

Once the initial headache and dizzy spells had passed completely, I opened my eyes and looked up at Zuerien again. He smiled tenderly at me.

"Feeling better?" he asked softly and I nodded.

He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and the mark on my neck immediately tingled sensuously making me sigh contentedly. I couldn't help but feel blessed that of all the Supernaturals out there, I was mated to a Werewolf. To a man from a race that treasured the mate-bond above all else.

And I wondered how the whole 'love' thing worked for other Supernaturals. Were all Supernaturals as intensely passionate and fiercely possessive about their significant others as Werewolves were of their predestined soulmates?

Werewolves are probably the most possessive Supernaturals of all, when it comes to their mates

My gaze shot up to meet Zuerien's, Really?

He nodded, Werewolves, Dragons and Demons are notorious for their protectiveness over their mates, he said, Although that doesn't mean other Supernaturals aren't, lets just say that even someone who knows next to nothing about these three races would at least know not to mess with their mates, or he or she is as good as dead

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