17. 'Clandestine' Beings

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UGH I've been trying to update for so long! It just wouldn't! GAH! But thankfully its up now. FINALLY!

Dedicated to sweetbless22 for being such an amazing supporter. I really appreciate all the love honey! Thank you!

The phenomenal banner above was made by minni_sweety. Love all your works. Thanks hon!

PLEASE DO NOT COPY MY WORK! If I find any followers copying my work, I will immediately REPORT and MUTE you. Do NOT test my patience or take advantage of my friendliness. You have been warned.

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


Zuerien's POV

I'm an ass...

I grit my teeth, resisting the urge to punch myself as I walked across the empty street. I could still feel the painful disappointment coursing through me, clawing at my conscience.

My mate's disappointment.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. We were done with patrol in this area, and were now waiting for General Reginald's regimen to get here so we that could regroup. After a brief break, we would be splitting up again- with most of us heading for patrol while a few led by me would scout the woods...for that beast.

My fists clenched in anger at the thought of it. I couldn't wait to find it. I would make it regret its existence. Nobody messed with my Suzzanah. And despite his current demeanor, Kai growled in agreement.

Taking a deep breath, I directed my gaze upwards. The sky that had grown slightly stormy earlier had now cleared considerably, but the sun was still hidden behind the thick white clouds.

And perhaps that was a good thing.

At this point we were quite close to the woods, so there were no humans around here, only Supernaturals, therefore we didn't have to worry about keeping up appearances.

Earlier this morning the General and I had split parties, with him and Lady Yolanda starting their patrol in the city while I and Cole had gone back to the Northern Border with Elder Abé to check up on the Walls. Despite all of yesterday's heavy-duty commotion, the walls were holding up brilliantly, and whatever little damage yesterday's incident had done to them had been repaired by the Elder today.

I was actually quite impressed that Rino had made it to the third wall. The boy didn't look it but he had shitloads of power inside that hug-thirsty body of his. His naive and happy-go-lucky personality always ended up getting him underestimated, but I knew better than anyone that Rino was a formidable opponent, when he wanted to be.

It was one of the reasons why I allowed him to stay close to my Suzzanah, to protect her.


My fists clenched, I'm such a freakin ass

Yes you are


I'm fucking mad at you right now

I sighed, I know, I replied, But-

This is where I don't give a shit about your butts, he said coldly.

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