14. 'Seek and You shall Find'

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312K reads on Shadowed Hearts! WOOHOOO! Thanks guys!

And the Most loved character of the Unconditionally Series according to our poll in the last chapter is *drumroll*: RINOOO!

But I had no idea so many of you loved Suzzanah and Cole so much too *pleasantly surprised*. Let's see if your opinions remain the same even at the end of this book.

WARNING: LOOONG CHAPTER AHEAD! I hope you don't get too bored *prays*

Dedicated to moon_flower14 for you constant and ever-encouraging support. It means so much to me. Thank you doll!

A huge shoutout to samstyles96 for having motivated and supported my work for so long. I really appreciate it. Thank you!

The absolutely spectacular cover above was made by minni_sweety. You're amazing sweetheart. Thank you!


This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


Suzzanah's POV

As we walked out of the meeting room and back towards the lobby, my frown deepened as I wondered what in the world the Elder might have meant.

"Perhaps...I will have figured out why you, young lady, seem almost familiar"

Seem familiar? Familiar how? I was very sure I had never met him before. His aura didn't seem familiar either like that of the horrid black beast in the woods yesterday had been.

"How fortunate that Elder Abé had the insight and benevolence to put that magic shield on Suzzanah without us even asking about it", Alpha Penson was saying, "All I asked him to do was cover up the silver streak in her hair with magic and I thought I'd ask him about the magic-proofing shield afterwards, but he did so before of his own accord"

My eyes went wide, "What?" I cried out as I quickly grabbed at my hair searching for the silver lock, "You asked him to cover up my silver streak?"

"I did", Alpha Penson replied, "Because that happens to be the main feature everyone is using to identify the Luna Queen right now, saying that the Alpha King has a Queen who bears a silver streak in her hair similar to his golden one. Of course they don't know that your silver streak is an inherent trait much like the Alpha's golden one. They may just think its something you did artificially to match with the King"

"Why would I willingly do something so petty?" I asked, still searching my hair. Sure enough, the streak wasn't there.

Alpha Penson smiled, "Regardless of what they thought was the source of the streak, it was still a major identification factor. One that our enemies could also use to identify you so its best to keep it concealed.

I shrugged, "I suppose", I said, leaving my hair alone.

It was a shame I had to cover up the silver streak, just when it had started to grow on me. Oh well, better safe than sorry.

I then narrowed my eyes at Alpha Penson.

"Also, Alpha Penson", I said, "If you know something the rest of us don't, now would be a good time to spill the beans"

Alpha Penson smiled his usual, calm and exasperatingly knowing smile.

"What do you mean, dear one?" he asked innocently and all four of us immediately surrounded him, eyeing him suspiciously.

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