12. Tangled

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I just know there are going to be Disney references in the comments XD

Dedicated to Narges_Bsr for being the incredible reader and supporter you are. You're amazing, thanks hon!

A huge shoutout to yona2015 for being an avid reader of my work and supporting me for such a long time! Thanks doll!

The phenomenal banner above was made by Life_is_Music1. This is one of my absolute favourites. I love it! You're incredible as always honey! Thank you!

PLEASE DO NOT COPY MY WORK! If I find any followers copying my work, I will immediately REPORT and MUTE you. Do NOT test my patience or take advantage of my friendliness. You have been warned.

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


Suzzanah's POV

Karina had often told me that I tended to have bad timing when it came to finally breaking the news about stuff to people.

And in that moment, as I watched the faces of both Zuerien and Alpha Penson go from anticipatory to thunderstruck, I realized that that was, in fact, embarrassingly true.

"The ghost?!", they both chorused in shock and I nodded uncomfortably.

"That's right"

"But wha- why?!" Zuerien asked stunned, "Why him?"

"I've actually heard his voice in my head multiple times telling me 'beware of him who comes with bloodied hands'", I told them, "In my dream, the blue-green eyed ghost told me that 'he was the reason'. Back then I had no idea what he was talking about, but now that I think about it, could it be that he had been trying to tell me about the deaths of the women before me?"

"Seems like it, doesn't it?" Alpha Penson said, "Has he ever said anything else? Any other warnings?"

I thought back to that dream, trying to remember, as hard as I could, everything that the ghost had said.

"He did also tell me...Beware of him...who comes with a clean something and maybe...a dirty something else", I said recollecting the dream.

Both men immediately exchanged odd, confused looks as I continued, "Yeah, there was definitely something about being aware of something that was...clean"

"Um, are you sure we're still talking about the same dream, dear one?" Alpha Penson asked uncertainly.

"It is! I just...can't...remember- Wait! A black something!" I exclaimed, "He comes with a clean something and a black something else"

"A clean something and a black something else?" Zuerien repeated frowning, "What is he, a cleaning product vendor?"

"Don't distract me!"

Zuerien gave me a blank look.

"A clean um...a clean ss..s...ss...?" I thought hard, disregarding the fact that both the Alphas were suddenly looking at me like I had grown a moustache.

As it was, I was already ridiculously slow at remembering easy things. Never forget, I was the girl who couldn't recall what animal it was that howled! It didn't get worse than that.

Suzzanah darling, you were born without a lot of things- skirts, luck and brains being three honorable mentions.

"A clean...sleigh? Slate!" I exclaimed remembering, "A clean slate and a black..."

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