9.5 'Sweet Dreams'

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For all my readers with mid-week blues.

A 'little' something.


This chapter is the continuation of chapter 9.

PLEASE DO NOT COPY MY WORK! If I find any followers copying my work, I will immediately REPORT and MUTE you. Do NOT test my patience or take advantage of my friendliness. You have been warned.

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


Suzzanah's POV

Mirror mirror on the wall...

My eyes shot open, ears ringing.

Was this...a dream?

Mirror mirror on the wall...

And wait...hadn't I had this dream before? When I had fallen asleep in the woods earlier today...

I found myself shaking my head not wanting to hear, just as I had done in an earlier dream, even though it was my own voice saying those words.

And I squeezed my eyes shut again, somehow not wanting to see. But no matter how tightly I closed my eyes, I could still see it all clear as day.

As my vision focused, I found myself staring at the woman in front of me.

And she stared back.

Silently. Motionlessly.

Her white shirt was ragged and torn. Her body was littered with little cuts and abrasions. Her face was muddy and dirty, and her hair...was a tousled mess of brown...and silver.

Silver...mirror on the wall...

Who is this woman standing tall?

The woman was me.

Surrounding me on all sides were many more mirrors, reflecting the bright light of an unknown source. I was in a house of mirrors, I realized, and although there weren't all that many mirrors, I didn't think I could count them all.

Intrigued, I took a step away from the mirror I was standing in front of and turned to face the others. And the minute I moved, reflections appeared in all of the mirrors at once.

But I realized...that I didn't know any of them.

Even though I was the only person in the room, and mine was the only reflection that should have appeared on the mirrors.


Faceless women stood with their backs to me, their hair being their own identifying feature. Blondes, brunettes, red heads, those with pitch black hair, and variants of all the above mentioned colors, existed within those mirrors.

And yet one striking feature stood out above all.

Mirror mirror on the wall,

Why is there silver in them all?

Silver hair glistened brightly from amidst the natural locks of all the women in the mirrors. Some had more silver than others, but regardless they all possessed it.

The silver hair that was, to this day, a mystery to me.

As my eyes glided from mirror to mirror, my body turning in a circular motion till I was yet again facing the one mirror that had initially reflected my own frame.

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