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Hey guys,


And I know most of you aren't interested in Authors notes but please spare a moment to read this. I need to address a few issues. 


As some of you know, I'm done with my internship and now I have to find a job. I'm under a lot of stress and I'm travelling a lot in the coming weeks because I'm moving too which is why my updates may be slow in the future.

But please keep in mind that when I do update, my chapters are always much longer than regular chapters on Wattpad. My average chapter word count is 10000 words for crying out loud! 

So those of you who have been complaining that I'm not sincere about my work or not a 'real author' because of my slow updates, give me a break! If you can't wait for an update, please find another story to your liking. Because this is the best I can do.

And to those who patiently wait for my updates, I honestly cannot thank you enough. I'm really grateful!


NOTE: I'm not publishing it right away.

A lot of you have been encouraging me to publish the Unconditionally Series and for that I'm truly thankful and honored, but there are also others who have expressed their annoyance about authors who have published their works because they take them off of Wattpad.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND that most publishing firms demand that at least some portion of the Book be removed from Wattpad to publish it. Its not anything we authors can control.

Authors work hard on their Books and publishing them is a big deal! Its a huge achievement and yet they get so much hate from readers on Wattpad for doing so, and in my opinion it isn't fair to them at all.

I have worked very hard on the Unconditionally Series and if I'm lucky, I will one day be able to publish it professionally. That day, I don't want the supporters who have backed me up all this time to turn on me because I have to take the Book down from Wattpad so I'm informing you guys beforehand, just in case, and hoping you will understand.  

Please be kind.

I'm blessed with some of the nicest and most supportive readers ever and I want you to know that your support is what drives me to do my best. 

Thank you for everything.

That's it.

Your update is coming up in a few minutes, so enjoy! I hope you like it!

Until the next update,

All my love,


Unconditionally- Shadowed HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now