22. The Calm Before the Storm

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Dedicated to Zelida for all the amazing love and support for so long. Means a lot to me. Thanks honey!

Picture of the Beta Cole Knightly (Alex Pettyfer) above!

PLEASE DO NOT COPY MY WORK! If I find any followers copying my work, I will immediately REPORT and MUTE you. Do NOT test my patience or take advantage of my friendliness. You have been warned.

This chapter is unedited so please excuse the grammatical errors. Enjoy!


Suzzanah's POV

I can't breathe!

My body was submerged underwater, slowly sinking to the bottom of a seemingly endless chasm. The cold water around me swirled ominously, engulfing my body in its liquid clutches. I could feel gravity weighing down heavily on my limp body, dragging it down.

Away from the land of the living.

I can't breathe, I'm drowning!

I tried to move my limbs, but they remained paralyzed at my sides. I wanted to move my body, I couldn't, no matter how hard I screamed at myself to try. My body refused to listen to my mind.

It was like I was trying to control something that was not my own. And with every passing second, I could feel my existence growing bleaker and bleaker.

What's happening?!

My eyes were open, but it was getting harder to see. Nothing was clear anymore. All I could make out through my blurred vision were vague flashes of color.

The blue of the water.

The dark brown of my hair.

The silver of one lock.

The pink of my dress.

And the red...

The red that spilled out of my hollow chest.

The red that stained my clothes, my skin and the water around me.

And the red that marked the end of my life.

The red of my blood.

It was too late now.

It's all over.

Within seconds all energy left me, much like my will to live- No! Not the will, but the time. I didn't have any left anymore.

And I was dying.

My mind grew dim, like the light that illuminated the distant surface. And my body turned numb to everything. My vision grew dark and I closed my eyes. Strangely enough, I didn't have regrets about dying.

But I had one, just one...about not being able to live.

And as the last of my breath left my body, my final thoughts were of a man faraway, whom I wished I could have seen one last time. And my final words were but a quiet whisper to him. To my dear beloved.

I'm so sorry...

I love you...



My eyes shot open, forehead beaded with perspiration and chest heaving as I gasped for breath. I could feel my heart racing wildly as I blinked profusely, trying to place my surroundings. I was lying on a bed in an unfamiliar room, or so I thought, till I remembered that this was my hotel room in the Ashford Hotel Enterprises.

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