one. parasomnia

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THE RIDE TO SCHOOL was longer than usual. It was the first day of senior year, but it just meant another year of trying to get through stressful classes and people I've been trying to avoid my entire life.

Last night was Senior Scribe where the incoming seniors meet in the library at midnight to sign their initials on a set bookshelves that many other generations before them had done as well. I skipped the whole thing, though. Mainly because it was a full moon and I had to stay in all night. But, I think even if I had the choice to go, I wouldn't. Since the fourth grade, I haven't felt like I belonged to any part of this class. Then again, I've pushed everyone away so I guess that's a good thing.

Arriving to school long before the first bell goes off is a blessing and a curse. Blessing because I get front row parking everyday. Curse because I'm here for almost thirty minutes before school starts. I've done this ever since I've been able to drive and it's hard to break the habit. I sit in my truck and wait for more people to show up so I don't have to be the first one in the school.

I look down at my outfit. A long sleeved, jean material shirt tucked into a leather skirt. The skirt went down to the mid thigh of my pale legs. My black and white converse clad my feet as per usual. I almost hadn't worn this outfit since I try to not wear shirts that clash with my pale blue hair. Although I don't necessarily get the whole big deal about senior year when all I want to do is get out of here as soon as I can, I wanted to wear something I'd never worn before. That was my challenge for my last year.

For the next fifteen minutes, my nose is stuck in the latest book I bought

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For the next fifteen minutes, my nose is stuck in the latest book I bought. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Normally, I make it a point of reading the book before watching the movie but Logan Lerman was calling my name and provoked me to watch the movie. When I found out the person who directed it was also the person who wrote it, I didn't feel so bad. If anyone was going to follow the story line, it was going to be the author.

Once multiple crowds began to walk past my truck, I decided it was time to head inside. I climbed out of my truck with my bag hanging off my shoulder and my book in my hand. A new, but familiar, stench fills my nostrils as I take a deep breath to prepare myself for the day ahead. The usual smell from Scott and the rest of werewolves was still there since I could see all of them from where I was standing. None of them even looked my way, but why would they? They have no idea what I am. There's no way for them to know since I had the ability to mask my scent so no one would be able to tell I was a werewolf. It was something my family had used for generations especially when the Argents were still hunters.

My eyes glance over everyone in the parking lot with my nose turned up. Using my sense of smell, I try finding the source of the familiar scent. I couldn't place where I'd smelled the scent before. After a few seconds, the smell disappeared and I assume it's because they must've went inside.

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