seven. condition terminal and a novel approach

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I ENDED UP HAVING to give Scott a ride back to school so Stiles could stop by the hospital to visit Lydia.  The school day was almost done by the time we got there, and we'd decided to hang out in the library until school was officially over.  Many books were scattered across the table in front of us as we tried to search for an answer to our Chimera problem.  The books ranged from scientific to mythical, and neither of us could find a resourceful page in any of them.

Just as I begin to sigh, the bell signalling the end of the school day rang and Kira was making her way over to us in record time.  This only made me nervous because pretty soon Malia would be here and I'd have to make a good impression for the both of them.  Spending my time with my nose in a book and avoiding interaction hasn't helped me any in social situations.  So, when Kira approaches Scott, gives him a kiss on the cheek, and turns to me, I freeze until she sends me a toothy grin.

"Hi, I'm Kira," she says and extends her hand towards me.  I take it without hesitation and shoot her a shy smile.

"I'm Luna.  It's nice to actually meet you," I reply and turn back to the book I've been reading.

"Have you guys had any luck on finding any information?"  Kira asks, assuming one of us would answer.

Scott sighs, "No, and we must've been through the entire selection the library has."

"Honestly, I don't think what we're looking for is even in a high school library.  Maybe at an Ivy league college, at least," I point out.  This makes Kira sigh and pick up a book at random.

"Well, Malia and Stiles are bringing the bestiary.  There should be something in there."

As if they had heard their names being called, Stiles and his girlfriend walk into the library.  They make their way up the stairs to us and Malia is already staring, or glaring, at me.

Scott asks Stiles, "Did you get in to see Lydia?"

"No, she's still in the ICU and no one outside family is allowed in."

"We got one thing," Malia says as she slides a large book with the word "BESTIARY" across the table.

"Anything in here about half-werewolves, half-Kanimas?"  Kira asks.

Scott corrects and says, "The Chimera."

"Um, what?"  Stiles is slightly confuses.  I forgot Theo had only told Scott what I found.

"Chimera, it's a creature made of incongruous parts," I say, feeling I needed to make myself apart of the conversation.

"And if Liam said he found two burial sites, it means Tracy's not the only one," Scott adds.

"Who's the second Chimera?" Kira asks.

Stiles adds to the question, "And why would they bury them?"

"Deaton thinks it's part of their process," answers Scott.

"The people in the masks," Malia specifies.  Scott and Stiles share a look.  Kira flips the bestiary open to a page on Wendigos.  She continues flipping the pages with no sense of purpose and no idea of what she was looking for.  My perfectionist urge shoots me into gear as I shift in my seat, knowing I would be doing a much better job at searching for an answer if I was the one with the book.

Finally, I point at the book and ask, "Do you mind if I-?"

Kira shakes her head with wide eyes before shoving the book towards me.

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