twenty-one. the sword and the spirit

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THE END OF THE day came and went and, as I expected, Theo made sure to make himself scarce. I couldn't find him anywhere in the school and when I finally went out to my truck, his own was gone. During the whole ride home, my anger just rose and rose and rose and I was sure I was going to keep my promise to rip his throat out. Although, he wasn't home when I got to my house and he didn't come home at all through the night. This only made my anger worse because I knew he was reading the journals to confirm his thoughts of my powers being derived from my ancestors. Needless to say, I didn't get any sleep that night waiting on him to come back.

Coming into school the next day I had expected to see Kira, but the police officers wandering around the halls with shotguns came as a shock. For the first few minutes, I caught up with Kira until she had to go visit her dad in his classroom. Then, I bumped into Stiles who was questioning a Sheriff's deputy. Soon Scott was standing with us, too.

"You don't think this is a bit much in terms of firepower for a high school?" Stiles asks the deputy in front of him holding a large shotgun in his hands.

The deputy responds, "Your Dad's the one that issued us these things, and he wouldn't officially say why."

Stiles glances over at me in confusion before meeting Scott's eye as Scott asks, "Did he say anything unofficially?"

"No. But everyone's got a theory."

Stiles asks, "What's yours?"

"I shouldn't be talking to you guys. Don't you have class?" The deputies eyes land on me as if he's accusing me of starting up this conversation.

"Come on, Strauss," Stiles tries to convince him. "What's your theory?"

The deputy glances at his coworkers before confiding in us, "Do you guys believe in the supernatural?"

Each of us shared a look of disbelief. Was what was happening really so indescribable the deputies were thinking it could only be something they don't understand? If some of them were already having theories involving the supernatural, who actually believed in it?

Another entire school day passes by of not seeing Theo even though I knew he was in the building. He skipped all of the classes we had together and only made the classes I had with the pack much more unbearable. I was beyond furious and everyone around me could tell I was on the verge of lashing out from the permanent glare on my face.

At one point, Stiles questioned what was going on and why I was so angry. When I told him what Theo had done, he told me he understood but continued on to tell me he noticed I'd been way more temperamental since the night the truth came out. Usually, I'd think over what he said and either agree or disagree, but I ended up snapping at him about how he was being pigheaded and insensitive. Something I would never say, especially with how much he and the rest of our friends have been treating me since I popped up in their lives.

Now, I'm walking with Liam around the sewers because I'm ashamed of how I acted. Liam is also dealing with his shame of almost killing Scott which is the reason why he was down in the tunnels looking for the Dread Doctors' Operating Theatre. Besides hiding in the tunnels from my behavior towards the pack, the other reason I'm down here is because I didn't want him to find something dangerous and then be alone to deal with it.

"Tell me again how you managed to convince me to come down here with you?" I ask when the third mouse ran across my foot.

"I didn't. You followed me," he replies, glancing down one of the hallways.

"You know, you should be thankful I did. I'm your extra man power."

"Why? You haven't helped in finding this place so the chance of us running into anybody isn't likely."

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