twenty-eight. apotheosis

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"SEBASTIEN?  THE GUY WHO was having an affair with your ancestor?" Scott corrects as Chris and Gerard take off.  I nod as my feet fall out from under me.  My knees hit the ground and I fall back on my ass.  The wound in my stomach was bleeding so much it'd already soaked my bandage.

"Ever since last night, every time I felt pain from the wound I'd get these flashbacks," I admit.  "It was always of the same guy.  Long, black hair and dark eyes.  The look on his face was pure evil, but it always changed when he saw someone.  Someone with blue hair."

"Your ancestor," Liam concludes.  I nod once again and suddenly I feel nauseous.

I ask the question I've been dreading, "What if my ancestor was a woman?  What if I'm somehow related to... that?  What if that's what I'm-"  I can't even finish the question.

Scott takes my face in his hands, "Luna, we will figure this out.  I swear we will.  We won't let you down."

"Yeah, you can count on us," Liam adds.  I feel tears come to my eyes, and I try to keep them there.  "We're your pack."

"Now, come on.  We've got to get the doctor to Deaton's.  He might be able to tell us something."  Scott helps me to my feet before him and Liam lift the Surgeon onto his feet.  They support him as I lead them back to my truck.  We strap him in the bed as best as we can with the bungee cords I have before getting inside the truck ourselves.  I drive with caution but not as slow as I should with a dying immortal in the back—most ironic situation I've ever been in.

We arrive at Deaton's Animal Clinic in less than fifteen minutes.  I help unclip the cords and push the doctor out of the truck, Liam and Scott do the rest as they lift him onto their shoulders.  I hold the door open as they lead him into the building.

The only thing Scott says as he steps into the examination room is, "He's still alive."

They help the doctor up on the metal table and lay him down on his back.  Once there's not a tall person obstructing my vision, I see Stiles is here as well as Deaton.  Stiles and Scott stand on one side of the table, Liam and I on the other, and Deaton at the head of it.

"Can you keep him alive?" Scott asks.

Deaton replies, "I'm not sure he technically is alive."

"Screw keeping him alive.  How do we get him to talk?" Liam asks from beside me before Stiles answers.

"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough."

Scott only has a second to send Stiles a pointed look before a voice is echoing through our brains.

"Come," it says.

Liam looks up, "Did you hear that?"  Stiles looks like he doesn't know what he's talking about so I guess it's just a werewolf thing.

"Come to me.  To me," it repeats and the doctor jerks up off the table.  A high-pitched, static-like noise shakes the room, hurting our ears.  The rest of us cover our ears as the medical equipment and medication all rattle and fall from where they were perched.  The Surgeon slides off the table onto it's feet.  It limps toward the doorway and Liam's able to remove his hands from his ears to try to attack.

"Liam, wait!" Scott shouts.  The doctor sends a pulse towards Liam without turning, sending Liam into me and knocking us both to the floor.  He continues out the door and I hear it swiftly slam shut.  Electricity crackles before we're all forced to duck as all the large metal objects fly towards the doorway.  Liam stands and heads to unblock it, but Deaton tells him to stop.

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