twenty. codominance

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THE NEXT DAY, SCOTT and Stiles were heading to New Mexico to rescue Kira.  Her and her mother had taken her there to see if a group of people, called Skinwalkers, could fix the evil fox spirit within her.  They'd asked Kira's father where his wife and daughter had gone.  As soon as they knew, they were packing up and prepping the jeep for the long journey.  I would've went with them, but they understood I had to figure out what was going on with me.

The sun was on the other side of the world when I decided it was time.  I'd been debating the entire day on whether or not to do something I haven't had the courage to do since I was kid.  For the last nine years, I've avoided entering any of my family's rooms.  It's something I never brought myself to do because it would make them leaving just that much harder on me.  It was hard anyway, but seeing an empty room where I'd seen my parents or siblings living in would've thrown me over the edge.  Now, it didn't make any sense for me to be so afraid.  Now, I knew the truth and knew my family didn't care enough to look more into what happened.

I'm standing in front of my parent's bedroom door.  If they left anything that would tell me about my ancestors, it would be in this room.  Any room that wasn't a bedroom I've already searched.  I take a deep breath.  Shakily, I grip the doorknob and, in one swift motion, twist and shove the door open.  Staleness and my mother's perfume is the first thing I smell when the door opens up fully.  My feet are glued to the floor.  The sight of the layers of dust around the room and the empty dresser drawers that have been left open makes me dread the decision to ever open the door.  But I shove myself into the room before I can talk myself out of it.

The first place I search is the closet next to bed.  Just like the dresser, the closet is completely bare.  For people who left awfully quick, they made sure to grab everything they've ever owned.  I check under the bed, the adjoining bathroom opposite the bedroom door, and any place else someone could hide things under.  The only thing I was doing was shifting the dust around to create piles of it.  I groan and kick the corner of the bed.  The entire wooden bed frame slides a few inches across the floor, bundling up the rug underneath it.  I tug at my hair and stair at the floor.  My eyes glance back forth as I try to think of any other place my parents could've left something behind in.  There's no way they left me completely defenseless and ignorant.  Then, I see it.

The wood floors are placed horizontally next to each other until it reaches the spot that was under the rug.  There, the wood planks become wider and change directions.  I shove the bed full force across the room and rip up the rug, not caring how bad it looks.  Following the length of the wooden planks, my eyes land on a built in handle and I'm quick to pull it up.  What's revealed takes a few seconds for me to comprehend and for it to register what it means.  The compartment is large enough to hold a small child inside.  There are piles of leather books, scattered photographs, and other collectibles.  I sit down on my knees to pick up a couple of the photographs and they seem to be pictures of past generations of the Louve family.

I place the photographs back inside and grab all of the books.  There's at least ten different books, all marked with different dates and names of each Alpha my family has had.  I can feel the hope raising in my chest as I toss the books aside to close the compartment back up.  I straighten the rug back over the secret door and replace the bed.  Slowly, I pick up the stack of books and suddenly they feel heavier than before.  The answer to what's happening to me could possibly be inside one of these books and it scares me to think I could actually be this close to figuring it out.

Carrying the books into my room, I place them on my nightstand.  My shoulders were heavy with the weight of the knowledge within these journals.  It could all possibly end right now, and I could find out if I really do have the power of my ancestors.  All I have to do is flip open the cover and read.  But I can't seem to bring myself to do it.  What if I don't like what I find?  What if it's something horrible and I'm actually destined to become something demonic?  Was my family leaving really just because I "killed" or did they know something about what kind of werewolf I'd become?  It's hard to tell because they're not here to explain.

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