twelve. ouroboros

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THEO HELPS ME TO my feet, the pain a dull ache now.  He keeps his arm around me as if knowing my body still felt weak.  Stiles takes a seat on the concrete to catch his breath.

"We should get you to the hospital," Theo states over my head to the boy.  "You took in a lot of smoke."

Stiles dismisses the idea immediately, "I'm fine."

Theo removes himself from me once I'm confident enough to stand on my own.  The pain faded and I have most of my strength back.  He strides over to the jeep once the fires extinguished.  With one easy go, he flips the vehicle onto it's wheels.  The blue jeep didn't take much exterior damage besides charred spots and small dents.  Most of the damage was probably under the hood.

Stiles stood up at the same time a voice started to speak from inside the jeep.

"Suspect in 187 is in custody and en route to stationSuspect's name is Yukimura, Kira," the dispatch on the radio says.  Knowing exactly what a 187 was, I stared right at Stiles.

"What's a 187?" Theo asks.

"Homicide," Stiles responds, making eye contact with the two of us.

For the next couple of hours, the three of us had waited for a tow truck to come pick up the Jeep since there was no way we were going to get it started.  Then, Stiles and I took my truck over to Scott's house with Theo following.  Apparently, the other pack member's spent the night trying to protect Hayden, Liam's girlfriend, from the Dread Doctors, but ended up getting both her and Liam kidnapped.  So, now, Lydia and Mason asked Corey, another Chimera, to read the book to remember where the Dread Doctor's lair is to find the couple.

When we get there, only Lydia, Malia, Mason, and Corey are in the house up in Scott's room.  Scott having went down to the Sheriff's station to find out what was going on with Kira.  Malia comes down to explain to us the progress they were making up stairs, which wasn't much since Corey was only on chapter one.

After a few minutes of standing around talking, Scott came barging into the house.  The look in his eyes was dark and something I hadn't seen in him before.  His steps were sure as he charged towards us.

"Hey, is Kira okay?" Stiles asks, but Scott ignores him and walks past us.  Our bodies turn as our eyes follow the Alpha.

"Scott?" Theo questions as he disappears up the stairs.  We wait a few seconds before we hear Lydia's shrill voice.

"No, Scott, don't!"

The four of us run up the stairs, almost tumbling over one another as we cross the doorway into Scott's room.  The first thing we see is Scott's hand digging into the back of Corey's neck.  My eyes widen at the sight, not believing Scott would do something like this.

"Don't get too close," Lydia warns everyone, staring at the two boys.

Theo's the only one who speaks, "What is he doing?"

"Tapping into Corey's memories," Lydia answers him.  Her eyes glare at Scott, almost accusingly.  "It's usually something only Alpha's do."

Theo steps around to the other side of the two, studying them.

"Is it as dangerous as it looks?" He asks.

Stiles answers this time while glancing at Theo, "Probably more."  Malia stands near him, watching the scene unfold in front of her.

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