six. stiles' theory

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third person

LUNA POURS HERSELF A second bowl of Cocoa Puffs and plops down on the couch.  She'd called in sick to the school ten minutes ago.  Besides the sleep she got as a wolf, she wasn't able to get back to sleep and decided she was too tired to go.  It wasn't the first time this has happened and it wasn't going to be the last.

Theo pulled out of his driveway almost thirty minutes before.  She was sure he was going to try to apologize again this morning, but he didn't even look over at the house before leaving.  It didn't bother her.  Less arguing was better.

She reveled in the silence filled with her chewing and page flipping of her book.

While she was at home, there were two anxious people waiting for her at the school.  Stiles was biting his thumb nail as Scott paced back and forth in front of him.  Right after Theo had hung up the phone on him, Scott called Stiles to fill him in on the new werewolf.  Stiles couldn't say he was very surprised to hear that Luna was the werewolf they had heard howling a couple of days before.  Liam had told him all about the chemo signals he got from Luna when they'd questioned her, and he had a pretty decent theory of what happened between Luna and Theo's families.

"Are you sure about this, Scott?"  Stiles asks, pulling his thumb away from his mouth and tapping it on the table in front of him.  "I mean she's kept it from us for a reason.  Maybe we should just let it go.  Let her be."

Scott stops pacing and plops down in a seat next to Stiles with a sigh.

"I don't know, Stiles.  I know she probably has a great reason for not telling us, but what if she's been dealing with this alone?"  Stiles could just feel the sympathetic look Scott had on his face.  "The wolf I smelled in the hallway was obviously someone who was struggling with holding onto themselves.  We have to help her, Stiles."

Stiles sighs and looks towards his best friend, "But what if we don't like her reason for keeping herself secret?"  Scott stares at Stiles and shrugs his shoulders.

"We have to help her.  No matter what her reason is."  Stiles nods, but doesn't say anymore.

Theo pulls into the school parking lot and parks in Luna's normal spot near the bike racks.  He'd seen her truck in her driveway when he was leaving the house and, since she was usually gone before him, he knew she wasn't coming to school today.  Just as he put his truck into park, two people were knocking on his window.  He knew Scott and Stiles would be on him the minute he pulled into the parking lot.  Theo rolls his window down with a smile.

"Hey, Scott.  Stiles.  Do you need something?"  Stiles rolls his eyes at the brownnoser, yet says nothing.  Scott's quick to get to the point.

"Luna's not here.  Is she still at home?  Have you talked to her?"

Theo answers both questions, "Yeah, her truck was still at her house when I left.  And, no, I haven't talked to her since she shifted from her wolf form."  Theo dryly chuckles.  "She sorta kicked me out of her house after that for telling you her secret."

Stiles laughs, but there's no humor.  "I wonder why she would've done that?"  Theo looks down guiltily, and Scott shoots Stiles a glare to knock it off.  Stiles shrugs in offense knowing that he probably should stop talking, but couldn't help it.

Theo continues anyway, "I could call her or take you over there if you want."  Scott's already shaking his head before Theo even finishes.

"No, Stiles knows the way."  He nods his head to Stiles and walks away from Theo's truck to Stiles' jeep.  "We have to make this quick.  We're meeting Kira and Malia in the library later."  He jumps into the jeep.  Stiles following after and speeding out of the parking lot.

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