"OKAY, WAIT. TRACY WAS not only a werewolf, but she was a kanima?" I ask as I lead Theo into my house.
"Yeah. When I got to the animal clinic to help Scott, him, Deaton, and Stiles were all paralyzed and lying on the ground." I throw my book bag on the dining room table and pull out my AP Biology book.
"Where was Malia, Lydia, and Tracy?" I flipped open the book to a random page before starting on the section we were to learn tomorrow.
"Lydia was at the station to warn her mom since they figured out Tracy was after people who were trying to help her-"
"And since Lydia's mom is the guidance counselor, Tracy went after her," I finish. I scan the pages of the book looking for anything that could help Theo. "But wasn't Malia at the animal clinic, too?"
"Yeah, but she got her body to heal faster than the others so she was able to get there. Then, when we got there Lydia was on the floor with Kira pressing into the gash on her side." My eyes widen as I look up from the book to see if he's serious. He is.
"Oh my gosh. Is she okay?"
He nods, "Yeah, I made a tourniquet to help slow down the bleeding. We got her to the hospital in time. She's in surgery as we speak." I sigh in relief. Lydia was one of the smartest people I know, besides myself, and she was a lot less annoying than she'd been during sophomore year. She used to pretend she was stupid while she was dating Jackson Whittemore. I had been obsessed with our class ranks then so when I found out I was ranked second under Lydia, it all came together.
"Good." Returning to what I was doing, Theo went on explaining what happened.
"Anyway, Tracy and Malia had been down in the basement fighting after Malia saved Lydia's mom. Malia swears she didn't kill Tracy though. She says three people in masks injected Tracy with something and said her condition was terminal."
"Three people wearing masks?" I shake my head. "Wouldn't surprise me." Theo leans on his forearms against the table.
"You don't think Malia killed her?" I give him a pointed look.
"She's apart of Scott's pack and if I haven't stated it enough, people in his pack do not kill. So, no, I don't think she did. I believe there are people in masks and I believe they killed Tracy." I flip another page in the book, and am faced with a diagram and a highlighted word that catches my attention. I skim over the definition and I connect it to what we know about Tracy. I turn the book around so Theo can see it.
"What's this?" He pulls the book closer to him and studies it.
"Chimera. It means having multiple sets of DNA in the same individual. Since Tracy was both a werewolf and a kanima,-"
"She essentially had two sets of DNA," he finishes. "I don't get it. Okay, she had two sets of DNA, but what does that have to do with her being two different supernatural creatures?"
"It shouldn't effect her when she's bitten. She should only be one of the two." Theo's thick eyebrows almost morph into one as he tries to decipher what I'm saying.
"So, what does that mean?"
"It means Tracy wasn't bitten. There's no way to be bitten and be two different creatures." I point to the picture on the book. "In order to be a chimera, you have to have a transplant. So, what if she was able to be a werewolf and a kanima like how she was able to be a chimera? What if she was made?"

control • theo raeken [1]
Fanfiction❝control is overrated.❞ - stiles stilkinski The she-wolf who killed her best friend's sister and was abandoned by her pack, family, for doing so. Years spent alone in the shadows, learning to control her shifts and stay unnoticed by the McCall pack...