Pietro Maximoff - Don't Go

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Warnings: None  (at least I don't think)

Extra: gender neutral

You were asleep in the uncomfortable hospital chair. Your hand lay gently over top his. The only sound in the room was the beeping of the heart monitor.

Pietro had been shot, multiple times. Clint got him to safety and a medic as quickly as he could, but there was no guarantee that he was going to make it.

Wanda was sleeping at Avengers tower, but only because Tony made her. He said that she needed to let herself rest.

Clint and Nat told you something similar, but they knew they couldn't make you leave. You had been here everyday for the past three days without Wanda, from the beginning to end of visiting hours.

You talked to him, read books, kissed his cheeks, rubbed shapes over his skin with your fingers. You did all you could think of to keep him in the loop. You kept on for another week.

"So, that Vision guy has the hots for Wanda. It's cute, really. I think you would approve." You tried your hardest to smile, but you were at your breaking point. It wasn't until this day that you felt the tears making their way down your face. You breathed in heavily, air shuttering from your lungs, shoulders bobbing. Your sobs got heavier quickly. In your hysterics, you choked out a couple things, not wanting Pietro to worry. If he could hear you, that is.

"Pietro, I'm sorry I'm crying. I don't know why. I think it's because I'm scared. I don't want you to leave. God, please, don't leave. You're my everything, lyubimaya. Don't go." The rest of your time was spent crying that day.

For the next week that's all you could do: cry. You laid next to him and wept into his shoulder, and you hated yourself for it. The doctors told you he was getting better slowly. It was a ray if hope through your storm of depression. And so, for the entirety of your tearful weak, you cried for the changes. You cried in happiness because you knew he would pull through.

As it seemed, the end of that week brought even more happiness. Pietro had woken up when it was just the two of you. His eyes opened slowly, flicking shut at the intensity of the LED lights. They fluttered a bit until they came to a stop.

You made eye contact and smiled brightly at each other. With a kiss on the cheek, you handed him a cup of water and headed out of the room with your phone ready.

"Wanda? Hey, you need to come to the hospital."

"Is everything alright?" She asked in worry.

"Everything is perfect, he just woke up. Bring whoever, but try not to crowd him. I'll see you soon?"

"Definitely!" With that, you hung up and quickly reentered the room.

As soon as you made eye contact, Pietro smiled again. He patted the empty spot of his bed. You crawled in enthusiastically, and kissed him gently on the lips.

Pietro cupped his hand around the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. You became more passionate, not realizing how much you wanted him until now. You swung your leg over him, straddling his hips. You broke away for breath and pressed your foreheads together.

"People are gonna be here soon," you whispered.

"Then you should get off me. We can continue when we get home." Your eyes may have been closed, but you could feel the smirk that pulled at his lips.

"I think we will." You placed small kisses on his jaw when you left the hospital bed, and with it the warmth of his body.

"Wait, don't leave. Come sit with me. I miss your heat," Pietro whined. He made puppy eyes and pouted, so with a chuckle and a smile, you cuddled back into his side.

"I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Speedy!" Someone yelled from the door. The two of you turned your heads to see Tony, Wanda, Clint, Nat and Steve filing into the room. "You're finally up!" Tony hollered.

"Quiet down, Stark, we're in a hospital," Clint said.

"Yeah, a hospital, not a library."

"Wanda, why did you bring him with?"

"Clint, calm down," she said.

You and Pietro laughed at the scene and pressed your heads together, intertwining your fingers. You were going to be happy for a long time now.

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