Sam Wilson - Home

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Warnings: may contain emotions

You recently finished a tour in Iraq, and were soon to be sent home. You managed to keep the secret from your significant other, Sam Wilson, but had been corresponding with a friend.

Natasha Romanoff arranged a quiet arrival for you, pulling strings and asking favours, so when you finally came stateside, you could give Sam a surprise.

The first flight was fine, however the second flight was boring, cramped, and a child kicked your seat throughout half of it.

Walking through the airport in uniform got you a few nods, a few saluts, multiple "thank you for serving" comments, and, sadly, a noticeable amount of glares. Upon finding Natasha holding a sign reading your last name. She smirked as you approached.

"Welcome back, soldier."

"Glad to be back." You pulled her into a tight hug.

"Let's get going. Sam's been anxiously awaiting your return. His reaction is gonna be amazing."

"He still doesn't know, right?"

"Of course not," she remarked, "do you not trust me to keep a secret?"

You threw your head back and laughed. "No, I think you've got plenty of experience with secrets."

The car ride was agonizing. Excitement bubbled under your sternum, yet inklings of doubt still penetrated your thoughts. You didn't realize your leg started bouncing until Natasha pointed it out.

"Sorry, Nat," you mumbled. "How much longer?"

"Bout five minutes. Can you calm down a bit?" Her tone came off less harsh than it did concerned.


Natasha rolled her eyes.

When Sam's door drew into your line if sight. You wiped your hands on your pants and unbuckled your seatbelt. The car door opened slowly before you stepped out.

"Hurry up," Natasha joked. Taking a deep breath, you made your way to the door. You wiped your hands one last time before knocking them against the door and folding them behind your back.

The seconds of waiting were agonizing. The door was slow to open. His face was a needed sight. His beautiful, bright smile filled his face. He didn't waste time with words. Sam pulled you into a tight hug and pressed a kiss to your lips.

"Welcome back, Soldier," he whispered once he pulled away. "I've missed you."

"I'm just glad I'm home. I missed seeing you. I love you."

Sam stepped inside, pulling you with. "Stay here, I have to get something." He ran off somewhere, a few bangs were heard, and he emerged once more, hiding something behind his back.

"What are you hiding?" You ask with a laugh and a smile. Sam cleared his throat.

He knelt down, pulling the box in front of him and opening it to reveal a golden band.

"(Y/f/n), we have been together for six years. Every minute I spend with you makes my life more worth living. Every night I've had to spend without you has been the worst in my life, and every day I see you I'm reminded what beauty truly is. Would you do me the honour of marrying me?"

"Yes. Yes, I'll marry you, Sam." You dropped to your knees to pull him into another kiss. "I love you so much."

"I know."

You shared a laugh and spent the whole night hip to hip.

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