Steven Rogers - Now That I Can Love You

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Warnings: Much Fluff

Extra: Male x Male

The sun was bright through the curtains. A few stray rays of light flashed onto the faces of two young men. They were cuddled together, the larger of the two ironically positioned as the little spoon.

As the light flashed over their eyelids, the two took huge inhales, yawning a bit. The little spoon turned around to face the other.

"Mornin'," you yawned.

In response, Steve chuckled and smiled with a soft, "good morning".

"What time is it?" You ask as you rub the sleep from your eyes. You stretched, shutting your eyes tightly as a quiet grunt left your throat. Steve said nothing, which worried you.

When you opened your eyes, Steve was staring at you. His eyes were bright and glistening in the morning light. His pink lips were stretched into a smile, leaving his bright white teeth open for you to see.

"What?" You asked curiously.

"You're perfect," he said with no hesitation. His eyes bounced around your frame, smile never faltering.

"Well," you pecked his cheek with a kiss, and then you swung your legs over your side of the bed, "in no way do I compare to you."

"You don't think enough of yourself."

"Hush. Help me make breakfast." You gripped his arm and dragged him into the kitchen.

The two of you wore nothing but a pair of sweatpants each. You had lovingly selected a pair with the American flag in faded tones for Steve, who, in return, bought you a matching pair with the Union Jack.

An Englishman and an American from the 1940s were cooking pancakes in their modern kitchen in the 21st century. Bit much to think about, but that didn't stop your mind from wandering to the subject.

Steve, who could read you like a book, swooped in quickly. "Stop thinking about it. That'll only make it worse."

"You always know what I'm thinking don't you?"

"Of course," he pecked you on the cheek, "It's my job."

You placed two plates on the dinner table, both stacked tall with waffles. Steve followed your lead by placing smaller plates, these ones with eggs, next to the waffles. You each got a glass of something to drink.

Without you expecting it, Steve hugged you from behind. He buried his face into your shoulder and kissed gently.

"I don't mean to ruin the moment, love, but I think someone's here."

Right after speaking, there was a knock on the door. You answered it to reveal James Buchanan Barnes and Natasha Romanoff.

"Steve! It seems the Russian Ballet is in town!" Steve laughed loudly from the dining room.

"Come on in." You turned around, desperately trying to hide your grin from the angry Russian assassin and your old friend.

"I smell pancakes," Bucky stated.

"That's because we made waffles," you replied.

"Ya don't say?"

Natasha snorted. "What's got you all groggy?" She asked.

"Maybe," Steve walked up behind you and placed his hands on your shoulders, "it's because we just woke up, and you're here for unexplained reasons."

"Yeah, that'd 'bout sum it up. Thanks, love."

"You're welcome, babe."

"Babe? Since when do you call people babe?"

"Since the twenty-first century, Buck."

"Don't say my name passive-aggressively," Bucky said in his 'I'm older than you, and I'll tell mom' voice.

"Boys, please." You sighed heavily. "Nat, what's up?"

"We have a new mission. Figured Steve would want in."

"Can I bring my boyfriend?" Steve asked hopefully.

"Agent (l/n)? Would you care to join us on this mission?" Nat leaned back against the table.

"Will it be dangerous?" You asked.


You were quiet for a few seconds. "Just let me finish my food." Bucky snorted.

"James, I will throw a waffles at you. You know I will, I've done it before."

He immediately stopped chuckling, remembering the 'anger waffle incident' as Barton so lovingly called it.

After you and Steve were dressed, you headed to HQ. Steve held your hand the whole time, smiling his bright smile.

"You seem happier than usual today."

"Yeah, it's just..." he sighed contentedly, "I can finally love you. We don't have to hide it here, and it just makes me so happy."

"I love you, Steven."

"I love you too." You looked onto each other's eyes and kissed gently, very chaste.

"PDA! PDA!" Bucky yelled.

"By God, Barnes."

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