Loki Laufeyson - Technicolor Beat

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Warnings: Fluff and emotions

You lay on your bed, contemplating nothing, yet somehow everything. For seemingly the first time in you life, you felt like you were alive. You felt warmth in your heart. The source of your happiness was the man- god, really- that lay with his head rested upon your chest.

Roused by a nightmare, Loki listened to the sound of your heartbeat to calm himself.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked as you pulled your fingers through his long hair.

"Fire," he stated, "everywhere." His hand bunched the fabric of your shirt. He took in a deep breath, chasing the feeling of dread out his chest. When his hand released the hem, it traced up your body, eventually grasping at your own moving hand. "Tell me," he muttered, "why do you stay with me?" You simply smiled, and pulled him to his feet.

Two pairs of bare feet came in contact with the cold, tile floors. You tangled your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. You rested your face against his chest, turning your head to flatten your ear over his sternum. His heart pumped a steady rhythm.

"Where was the fire, Loki?" You persuaded in a silky tone. The two of you stayed pressed together. Loki's slender fingers once again balled up,creasing the fabric at your waist. His head dropped to rest on your own.

"Home: In Asgard." You guided him in a gentle dance, swaying back and forth slowly.

"Why does it scare you?"

"You're there," he murmured, "and I can never save you." You pulled away, spun under Loki's arm, and pulled yourself closer than you were before. You stopped moving, suddenly. You stared into his eyes, mesmerized by the colour. "What is it?" He inquired with a crack of worry in his words.

"You're intoxicating," you stated quietly. You looked out the large window, admiring the edges of the city. The half moon illuminated the early morning in a blue glow. "Maybe," you muttered, "maybe you should go back to Asgard."

"Have I done something?" Loki looked terrified. His heartbeat quickened, and he pulled away to inspect your face.

"It's nothing like that!" You assured. "I just feel like you should see your family. With your dream reoccurring so often... maybe there's something there that you need to take care of. That you need to burn."

"I will never return to that damned realm. Not alone." He looked away from you, away from the window. He ran his hand down his shirt. It took you so long to get him to forfeit his armor and trade it for midgardian clothes.

You could tell he was anxious about the thought of confronting his father.

"Loki, look at me." He turned to face you, but he continued staring at the ground. You placed your fingers against his chin, and lifted his gaze. "You're better than him. You're strong enough to face him."

"What if- what if I can't come back, what if I lose you?"

"Well, I guess I'll have to come with." You squeezed his lithe hands in reassurance. "Nothing will tear us apart again."

"What if I lose control? What if I'm the one who is responsible for your-" he couldn't finish. The mere thought of what he could have done to you sent him into overdrive.

"Darling, I'll be fine." You smiled. "We'll set out for Asgard in the morning. For now, we'll go to bed."

With a look full of admiration and hope, Loki let you pull him back to the comfortable mattress. He settled himself in his previous position, one hand on your hip, his head on you chest, and he listened to your heartbeat. The steadiness inspired him. When he had gotten worked up, you stayed calm, and he realized that's what he needed in his life. His thoughts ceased their constance, and the light thud of your heart palpitations lulled him into a sweeter dream. One where you lived in Asgard, where you were all happy.

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