Stephen Strange - Human Shield

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Warnings: some mentions of blood


You hadn't meant for it to happen. You were just trying to defend Stephen.

You stepped between him and a mystic blade. You hadn't made your shield yet. You were the shield in a way. At least Strange was alright.

You crumpled to the ground. Blood poured from your abdomen. It was everywhere. It coated your stomach and splashed at Stephen's face. You didn't know what was going on at first, but as your sight grew hazy, and everything was sideways, you realized you were bleeding out on the ground.

Stephen called your name. You could hear him faintly, but the most prominent noises were your heartbeat and heavy breathing. You didn't know what was going on around you, but you saw a lot of sparks. Everything was really white.

"Stay with me, (y/n)!" Stephen yelled.

The sound of your breath filled your ears again. Your mouth tasted like iron.

When everything went dark, you figured you had died, but you could still hear muffled noises and your heartbeat, however faint it was growing.

"No, no, don't close your eyes, (y/n)! Stay with me!"

There was something in your throat. You wanted to cough, to dislodge it, but you couldn't. You couldn't move, the most you could achieve was writhing in place.

"(Y/n), you need to try to stay still. It'll be okay. I promise." And you faded out.

Astral dimension, you thought. You didn't know where you were.


You looked around. Pale tan walls, a heart monitor, an uncomfortable looking chair occupied by none other than Doctor Stephen Strange.

He's crying

"Stephen," you tried. He couldn't hear you, obviously.

Break through. You know you can

You looked at your body in sadness. You were so much paler than normal. You reached through the veil. It was different than you were expecting: more geometric than wispy.

"Stephen," you said again. His head shot up and he reached out to you.

"(Y/n), are you, can you hear me?"

"Yes, I can hear you."

His head fell as he wiped tears off his cheeks. A hoarse laugh sprung from his throat. "I'm sorry," he started. "I know this is selfish of me, but please, please come back. I'm nothing with out you."

"Stephen, calm down. I can hear what's going on, so that means I'm getting better, right?"

"I- I don't know."

"I'll tell you what, Strange. If I die, I'll harass you from beyond. If I live, you buy me lunch."

Another dry chuckle. "I'll keep that in mind," he said. But you were already gone

For the next few days, Stephen sat next to you, reading books you liked, holding your hand, crying on occasion. It was one day that he got a call that sent him into a frenzy.

"She's awake, and her vitals are steady."

Never had he felt such joy. He sprinted to the hospital, never even trying for a taxi. He ran into someone who grabbed him and tried to chew him out.

"I don't have time for this. The love of my life just woke up from a two month coma, I don't care that I gave you a bruise on the arm!"

The woman let go with a quiet 'sorry'.

He ran to the visitors' check in and quickly made it to your room.

"Hello, Stephen." Your voice was coarse. "You owe me lunch."

"I love you!" He announced with pride. "I love you, (y/n). More than anything."

"I know," you said through a smirk. "I love you too. Why else would I use myself as a human shield for you? For a genius doctor, you sure are an idiot."

"Shut up," he mumbled before attacking you with a kiss.

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