Bobby Drake - Opposites Attract

203 9 4

Warnings: Mild cursing
Requested by: KittyGotham
Notes: reader's ability is similar to Pyro and Sunspot

Classes at Xavier's School for Gifted Children were exhausting. At least to you they were.

Hours of older mutants droning on and on about whatever topic they were droning on about, wasn't really your cup of tea. It was part of your personality, part of your DNA, part of your mutation.

Your attention span was short and your metabolism worked fast, so you often found your thoughts focusing more on your stomach than Ororo Munroe explaining the history of the universe. Sometimes, if you were stressed out just enough, you set something on fire.

Once it happened multiple times, Proffessor X decided to give you a class buddy who could clean up your messes: Bobby Drake- Iceman.

You hated it at first.

He was calm and sweet, which made you think he was hiding something. He had stupid blond hair, and stupid crystal blue eyes that distracted you even more than the hunger-pains in your stomach.

With him sat next to you in every class, you started to realize he didn't make you angry. Oh no, you liked him. You liked that he was calm and sweet, you liked his crystal-blue eyes and styled blond hair, and you wanted him to be there even more often than he was.

You looked over at him, a frown quickly morphing onto your lips. You were stupid to think he liked you. Even your mutations made the thought of a relationship laughable, or, at the very least, incredibly cheesey.

Besides, his sole perpous for spending time with you was to make sure you didn't burn down the manor.

Bobby's head turned to you. His gaze trailed to your bouncing hands.

They were admittedly warm. Really warm.

When Bobby grasped your hand a cooling sensation instantly replacing the growing heat, but it also left butterflies in your stomach. He offered a small smile. You just looked away, focusing on the lesson for the first time that week.

"You doing okay?" he whispered.

You nodded, not daring to look back at him.

"I know you're lying, (y/n). What is it?" he pressed further.

"I'll talk to you after class." Ten more minutes. You thought.

"Okay." His voice was reluctant, but conveyed that he would back off.

You could tell he was stealing glances every few seconds, and you tried your best to ignore them, but it was Bobby Drake: calm, beautiful, perfect Bobby Drake who you were certain you had growing feelings for.

The second the bell rang, you were out the door. Bobby ran after you, leaving his books at his desk.

"Wait! Why are you in such a hurry!?" Bobby was in good shape, keeping up with your speedwalk wasn't a big deal, but he made it seem like the awkward jog-run that he doing used a significant amount of energy.

When you made it to one of the balconies, you stopped, turned on your heal, and leaned against the railing.

"What's going on with you lately? You're even more hot-headed than usual." Bobby took a few deep breaths.

"What's going on with me is you."


"You just- you- ugh! You exist!" you groaned.

His eyebrows knit together. His face held the same hurt expression as a kicked dog. "What do you mean?"

Did I hurt his feelings? Shit.

"Everytime I see you I get this-this tension in my chest, and my stomach flips over itself, and I get warm, but not in the 'start myself on fire' kind of warm, like a... a... like I'm being held. And your laugh! Your laugh calms me down so much, and it makes me melt, and when you touch my hands I feel like I'm the most important person in the world! And it's ruining my life."

Bobby stood in shock. His brain reeled at what you just dumped onto him. He stayed quiet for too long. His eyes were wide with confusion. When he looked back up at you, your face was buried in your hand.

He fit his fingers around yours, gently pulling your hand away from your face.

"I think about you all the time," he starts. You look up at him, confused. "When I get up in the morning, when I'm trying to study. When you smile at me, I can feel my heart swell, and it feels like it's going to break my ribs. When Professor X assigned me to watch you, I was so excited to spend more time with you that I almost knocked my chair over while celebrating."

His eyes stayed on your hands. Your fingers danced against each other, twisting and clasping together.

"I'd like to kiss you," you blurted.

Bobby smiled up at you, leaning in slowly. It was too slow for your liking.

Placing your hands on his jaw, you pulled him to you.

The kiss was warm and passionate, but a bit fumbled, as you had a lack of experience. You giggled when you pulled back.

Bobby pulled you back in.

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