Thor Odinson - Storms

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Warnings: The beginning has some darker thoughts, but nothing too bad


I watched the clouds move in over the sky, turning it a dark grey.

Days like this made me think. Maybe I thought too much on days like this. All of my friends went out without me, they didn't even tell me they were going out.

They don't care, you know.

I let out a heavy sigh, and in that moment, rain started drizzling. Over the minutes it gradually got faster, and harder. The water drenched my hoodie and hair, plastering it against my scalp. I felt a chill rush down my spine and couldn't help but wonder.

Is that the feeling you get when you die?

I made my way to a cafe that was, unfortunately, closed. The rain was now incredibly heavy. Thunder cracked as lightning shot across the sky. The bolt lit some of the tree leaves with a soft light.

I was nearly a mile from my home with no car, bike, or ability to get a bus (courtesy of the storm).

I stood under the awning of the café, staring at the sky. It didn't seem like the rain would let up soon, so I dealt with it and started to walk home.

The air was freezing. In fact, it was so cold I started to lose feeling in my hands and feet.

A loud crack of thunder reverberated my bones. When I managed to reorient myself, I saw a tall figure only a few feet away from me. "Lady (y/n). Why are you out so late at night?"

"Everyone left me, Thor. Oh, let's not forgot that you started a thunderstorm." I gestured around us, a smug and irritated grin on my face.

"I apologize. Would you accompany my to Stark Tower?" He extended his hand to me. With a sigh, I accepted it, only to be pulled into his armored chest. "Hold on tightly." He smiled at me with his infuriatingly white teeth.
He swung Mjolnir, flinging the two of us into the air.

The wind stung, but not too horribly. At least, not as much as the rain.

The 'flight' was short, but I took the opportunity to cling to Thor. It may have been my imagination, or hopeful thinking, but I could have sworn he nuzzled his head closer to my neck.

We landed on the balcony that Tony built for himself to do just the same. I tried to walk directly to my room, but Thor grasped my wrist softly.

"Lady (l/n), please stay with me here. We can watch your favorite movie. You are beginning to worry me with how much you're closing yourself off." His eyes held a sincerity I only ever found in Thor Odinson. "Please, I wish to spend time with you."

After a moment of staring into Thor's eyes, I nodded. I explained that I was going to chanel into dry clothes. I sat on the couch when I returned, Thor following behind.

As promised: we watched (f/m). Halfway through, Thor put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to his body. About halfway through the film, Thor fell asleep. He wasn't a big fan of staying in place for so long.

When it was finally over, I grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch, and lay it over him. He stirred as I moved away, the heat leaving with my form. His eyes fluttered open and he frowned at me.

"Where are you going?" He mumbled. His voice was sexy. It rumbled deeply.

"Just to bed. You should sleep in your bed," I answered quietly. I brushed some of his long hair behind his ear and smiled softly at him. With a nod, and a slight blush on his cheeks, he stood. He slid his hand into mine and we both walked to the elevator.

On the way out of the lift, Thor looked down at me sadly. Our rooms were in opposite directions, so I turned my direction, but Thor never let go of my hand. He tugged gently, almost like he was afraid of hurting me.

"(Y/N)," he started, "this may seem odd to you, but I have been feeling very attached to you recently. Tony has told me Midgardians call it a crush, but I do not understand why."

"Because when they don't like you back it crushes your heart."

"So it seems. If I may ask, how do you feel of me?"

"If this makes sense, I won't be crushing your heart." A smile made it's way to my face when he sighed in relief. His large hands cupped my cheeks and he leaned in to kiss me.

It was chaste and tender, full of love and happiness. When he pulled away we just stared into each other's eyes with stupid smiles on our faces.

I pulled Thor to my room and flopped under the covers.

"Would I be pushing boundaries to ask you to stay?"

"Not at all, my lady." He then lay next to me and pulled me close to his chest. "Sleep well."

"Good night, Thor."

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