Thor Odinson - Betrothel

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Warnings: very mild angst

Chirping birds woke you on this day. Quickly, they were followed by maids filing one-after-another into your chambers. They stood at the ready with fabric, and soaps, and what seemed like wax. You were quickly ushered to a bath, where you were washed by the multiple maids.

Your body was scrubbed clean of any oils and dirt, then your hair brushed till it was smooth. Scented salts were rubbed over your skin, exfoliating and softening the (skin tone) surface.

The pampering made you uncomfortable at first, as you weren't used to being waited upon, but as today was your wedding day, you supposed it would be fine just this once.

When you were deemed ready by the hamdmaidens, they ushered you back into your chambers. Frigga stood in the center of the room with a large smile on her face. She held a gown aloft her arms, waiting patiently for you.

"I was hoping you would wear my old dress for the ceremony. I know you and Thor are both warriors, but I thought this would be a nice change for Asgard." The calming smile never left her lips. She had already become something of a second mother to you. You could honestly say you loved her like you did your own, but it was his name that caused you to frown.

"About that," you started, "why did Thor choose me?"


You twiddled with your thumbs, striving for the correct words. "He was with the Midgardian, Jane Foster. Many of the Asgardian woman fancy him. He could have any woman, so why would he wish to wed me?"

Frigga laid the dress on the bed and rested her hands upon your shoulders. "Were you not childhood friends?"

"Yes, but so he was with Lady Sif."

"Did she allow him to spill emotion from his lips without scrutiny?"

"I-" you paused, you couldn't possibly know their intimate affairs. "Not that I know, but I would assume that-"

"No," Frigga interrupted. "Do not assume things from those who you know little of. She does not allow Thor to talk to her about emotions."

"But she has told me of her feelings towards him."

"Sif is a strong woman, but she doesn't enjoy the talk of family and emotion. Thor admires her strength, but thrives off emotion. You offer both, that is why he is attracted to you."

You nodded along, fiddling with your fingers. Your mouth opened and closed repeatedly before Frigga made you speak.

"I don't know if I love Thor," you finally confess. She only nods. "I figured you would be upset."

"Why would I be upset with you? You've been pulled from one life to the next without any say, and you're expected to put up with it without care. I will offer you condolences and encouraging words. I felt the same way about marrying Odin, and the two of us are very much in love." She stood from the gold duvet. "Men are like parasites. At first it doesn't feel right and you're tired all the time, but then you start to depend on each other."

She turned to walk out the chamber doors, but said one last thing before leaving. "I'm sure you'll look ravishing in that gown."


When the ceremony started, Thor beamed at you with a shine in his eyes. It wasn't until you stood next to him that you noticed the glimmering was from tears.

Your heart started to beat faster than normal. What was wrong? Was he sad? Was he worried? Was he having second thoughts?

"Are you alright, Thor?" you asked when you approached.

"I'm wonderful. You look beautiful." His words took you by surprise, but you smiled kindly at him nonetheless. 

The ceremony went on without hindrance, and you felt no different. That's what made you realize that married life wouldn't be all that different than you're current life. The main difference was that you lived in a different part of the castle. Now you had someone who you knew would look out for you and care for you. Thor would never let his wife die on the battlefield.

"Thor!" you called after him as he made his way to the dining hall. "I would like to speak with you privately."

"But there is to be a feast in honour of our wedding!" He swung his arms out to the side in excitement. 

"I know." You grabbed him by the arm and dragged him down the corridor.

"What's the meaning of this? Are you alright?"

"I'm," you faltered, "I'm fine. As a matter of fact, I wanted to thank you."

"There's nothing to thank me for (y/n)."

"No, you don't understand. I never thought anyone would be capable of loving me, yet you picked me out of every woman in the universe to be your wife. You'll never know how much that truly means to me. I believe that any doubt I once had about our marriage is erased for good."

Thor took your hands in his, pulling them to his lips. He laid a gentle kiss upon them before pulling you into a firm embrace. You reciprocated with fervor, pulling his body flush against your own.

"Lady (y/n), do know that I love you."

You couldn't say it back yet, so you settled for guiding his jaw downward. Your lips met in a chaste kiss that made the world fade out of existence if only for a moment.

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