Sam Wilson - Off Duty

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Warnings: None


Sam was holding another meeting at the VFW today. He had told Steve that he was welcome to come, and he could bring a friend if he wanted. Steve automatically thought of you and figured you would like to go.

When he told you about it, you were hesitant. You had just gotten back from a mission and didn't think the crowd would be for you. After all, they were all veterans, and you were so invested in work that you couldn't keep yourself out of the line of fire.

Steve, however, insisted that you go with him and meet his new friend, Sam Wilson.

"He wants me to come, and I want you to come," Steve said.

"It's a support group, right? I'm fine, I have everything under control."

"The nightmares would say otherwise." You turned your head to the side and shuffled uncomfortably. When you looked back at him, Steve's eyebrows were knit together like those of a kicked puppy.

"Fine, I'll go," you caved.

As you would have it, you and Steve showed up late. You stood behind Steve, who leaned in the doorway as a woman told her story. She had come back to the states after and IED had exploded under her armoured car.

Soon after,the meeting ended. The veterans filed out of the room and Steve walked in to greet Sam. You followed timidly.

Despite putting your life in danger countless times, you still had a small amount of social anxiety. You rubbed your hands together and wiped them on your legs.

"Sam, this is my good friend (y/n)." Sam smiled at you kindly. There was a twinkle in his eyes. Not a cunning or mischievous one, an uterly caring, heartwarming sparkle.

You extended your hand and smiled as kindly as you could. "It's nice to meet you, Sam."

"I've heard a lot about you. You served, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm currently an agent, actually. I guess the danger just keeps calling me back."

"I know the feeling," he chuckled heartily.

The three of you went out for coffee. You talked for a couple hours, trading stories and cracking jokes.

Steve had to leave for a meeting, so you and Sam kept at it with storytelling and coffee drinking. Before you knew it, four hours had gone by with just you and Sam.

"Damn," you said as you watched the sun sink lower in the sky, "I've gotta go. It was nice meeting you, Sam."

"It was nice meeting you too. Here," he wrote something on a napkin. "This is my number. Call me if you need anything."

"You got it." You smiled and waved as you left the café.

The next day you rolled over in your bed. You didn't sleep. You stopped trying when the sun rose.

A slip of thin paper caught your eye and you inspected it more closely. The numbers sparked a bit of memory and you typed them into your phone.

"Hello," came Sam's voice from the other line.

"Hey, Sam, it's  (y/n)."

"(y/n), good to hear your voice, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out for lunch."

"You asking me out?"

"Only if you want me to be."

He chuckled. "Yeah, what time d'you want me to pick you up?"

This was the start of something great. You had to thank Steve for introducing you.

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