The Rescue

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As soon as i heard Kara scream I just started thinking of all the possibility. "Kara! Kara talk to me. KARA!!!!." I say hoping she is not dead. "Step on it" i tell the driver. When we get to Lcorp I see Lena crying and telling me that Supergirl is hurt badly.

I run up to her office as fast as i can and see Kara lying on the floor and next to her is a big pool of blood. The most terrifying thing is that there is a guy about to stab Kara. I yrll at him to pit the knife down. He tells me  that she is probably already dead. I signal one of the agents to take him while i go check on Kara.

I run up to kara. She looks really bad. I have never been so scared in my life. The first thing i do is check her pulse. It is cery slow but it is still there. "I need a medical transport back to the DEO. NOW." I yell "It's gping to be ok Kara. You're going to be okay." I say to Kara even though she is asleep. I really said to reassure myself that she was going to be okay.

A medical team comes and takes her away. We are walking outside when Lena Luthor stops me. "Is Kara going to be okay?" She says. "Wait she told you?" She smiles to herself. "She didn't have to. I know her and now I might never get the chance to tell her how i really feel." She starts to cry. "Agent Danvers are you coming with us." "Um. Yeah." I jump in the back of the van where Kara is. I look at Lena, she is just standing there "Are you coming?" I say and Lena jumps in the in the back with me and Kara.

"You know i see the way you look at her, you love her don't you?" I ask. "Yeah I have been planning on telling her, but what if she is straight." "Trust me she feels the same way about you. I see the way she looks at youwhen she thinks that nobody is looking. If-- when she wakes up tell her. If she tells you she doesn't feel the sams, just give her some time.  Your first can be confusing. I know mine was, but i don't know what i would do without her." I say. "Believe me i kno--"

I hear Kara take a big inhale and try to sit up but i hold her down. "A..lex....I'm me. She says clearly in a lot of pain. "Sorry for what. Kara what are you talking about?" I ask trying to get more anwsers out of her. "Pl....ease....don'" she tries to get out before drifting off to sleep. "What the hell was that?" Lena asks me. "I have no idea. But were here." The back door opensand the medical team carries Kara out and bring her into the DEO. "Lena come on. This is going to be a long night. "Alex. What happened to Kara? Is she going to be okay?" J'onn comes up to me.

I was tring so hard not to break down right in front of everyone, but it was really hard. I start crying and Lena walks me over to room accompanied with Winn and J'onn. I see J'onn whisper something to Winn and ge gets out his phone and walks away. Hopefully he is calling Maggie. I really need her right now.

Lena cathes everyone up since i can't find the words to tell them what happened. They all look at me with sympathy. Winn walks back in the room. "Maggie said she will be here in 5 minutes." "Okay all we can do is wait, and wait for Kara to get throught this." "Where us the guy that attacked Kara?" I ask. "He is in holding in cell 3." Winn says. I start to walk away. "You idot. Why would you tell her that?" J'onn asks annoyed with Winn's behavior. "Well she asked." Winn says.

"Alex what are you gonna do?" J'onn asks. I walk into where he is being held.  I close the door behind me so nobody can get in and try to stop me. I hear J'onn yell over the speaker in the room. "ALEX. STAND DOWN. NOW." I open his cell and run at him and punch him in the face repeatedly.  His whole face his covered in blood when I step back. My hand also have his blood all over them. "Why did you hurt Supergirl?" He just laughs. "Don't you mean Kara Danvers. Your younger sister. Or am i wrong and did your girlfriend realize how damaged you are and finally leave you?"

I walk towards him and am about to kill him when i hear a familiar voice. "Alex. Stop. I know your upset, but please this isn't the way. If you kill him you are no better than him. We will get him to talk, but just not like this. Please open the door." Maggie begs. She is right, this is not the way. I face him. "If she dies. You die" i say. He just smiles even more. I open the door and i am immediately embraced with a hug.

From the second i felt her touch me I broke down in her arms. "Hey, hey. Just breathe. It's going to be okay. Kara is going to be okay." She whispers into my ear. Thank God everybody left, i don't need anybody seeing me weak. "How do you know that she is going to be okay." I say, my voice weak from crying. "Because your sister is the second strongest person i know. And you wouldn't let her die." She say. I laugh at the last part. "Come on get up and show everybody how strong you are. The doctor said that she should be out of surgery in about an hour lets go wait."

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now