I Killed Her

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     I take out my gun and shoot him in the head he falls to the floor. I take a syringe filled with adrenaline and stab Lena with it in the chest. Her eyes suddenly open and she quickly sits up and she starts breathing heavily. "What the hell did you do?" She asks me. "Oh stop being a baby your heart just stopped for a couple of minutes. You only temporarily died." "What!" She screams really loud. "Calm down Lena. Wow it is not like you died permanently. Well yet. I still need you." I tell her she pulls the knife out of her leg that I stabbed her with. She stabs me in the hand. I scream but she kicks me in the face and I am met with darkness.


     I saw an opportunity and I was hyped up on adrenalin. I stabbed her in the hand and I kick her as hard as I can in the face. Now she is unconscious and I make a run for it. It probably would have been good to have a plan before attempting my escape, but what the hell I am desperate. When I am running I see one armed guy. I see a metal pipe. I pick it up and hit the guy in the head and he falls to the ground. I pick up is gun and continue. I am running and I run into a guy. I aim my gun and puts his on the ground. "Lena i want to help you." He says. "Yeah right." I say. He has to be lying, after all is working with my mother.

     "I know you think I am lying, but please trust me. I have a plan to get you out if here." He tells me. I know I won't get out alive, so I don't have any other choice but to trust him. "What is your name?" I ask him. "My name is Derick." He tells me. "Okay Derick what is your plan." I say while lowering my gun. "Follow me." He says. I follow him into a small room. I walk in and he locks the door behind me.

     "We weren't safe back there. Somebody could of saw us and my cover could have been blown or worse." He says. "Okay so your friends with supergirl right?" He asks me. "Yeah you could say that." "Okay I am going to contact her and tell her that you are here." He says. "Okay sounds like a Plan." "There is one thing you might not like though, you have to turn your self in, because they have the whole base on lock down. I can't get out until they have you back and lift the lock down." He says. "If I turn myself in you have to hurry. I don't know how much more I can take." I tell him. He nods.

        "Punch me." He says. "What?"I ask him. "It has to look like you fought me and it will be easier if you are unconscience. It might even buy you some time." I nod. I punch him in the face a couple of times. His lip and nose are bleeding. "Damn that hurt." He says while spitting out blood. "Okay you ready?" He asks me. "Do it." I tell him. He hits me on the back of the head and I am consumed by darkness.


     That dumb bitch is going to get it now. As soon as I find her she is going to wish I would kill her. "Lock everything down and FIND HER!" I yell at one of the guards. I order everybody to start looking for her. I see one of my guards dragging Lena by her wrist while dragging her on the ground. "Where was she?" I ask him. "I found her running through the halls trying to escape." He says while dropping her in front of me. "What is your name?" I ask him. "My name is Derick." He tells me.

     "Well then Derick, you just got promoted to the head of my security team. You now have access to everything. We have a lot to discuss. Come with me." I tell him. "You over there. Chain up Lena to the wall and when she wakes up give her a not so warm welcome, but DO NOT kill her." I say to one of the guards. Me and Derick walk to my office. We both sit down. "So Derick as of now you have full access to everything in the system." I tell him while giving him a new key card. "Thank you Mrs. Luthor. I will not let you down." He tells me. "I sure hope not. I see a very bright future here for you at CADMUS." I say. "Okay you may leave we will talk later.


     After I healed we started our search for Lena. The first couple of hours nobody found anything useful, until Winn told me he found something and I need to get to the DEO right away. I flew as fast as I could. When I got there Winn was at his computer with Casey. "Hey what did you find?" I ask Winn. "Nothing Casey found it." He says smiling.

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now