What! Why Didn't You Tell Me

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     I am suddenly awakened by loud noises. I open my eyes and Kara isn't laying next to me. I hurry and get up and walk toward the noise. Seconds later I hear a scream. I have heard that God aweful sound before, it was Kara. I quickly get to the living room and see Kara sitting on the floor hugging her knees and crying.

     I don't think she knows I am here yet. I think it was another nightmare. She needs to talk and get it out or she won't get any better. "Lena?" I look up and see Kara looking at me. When she sees me she start to cry more. I can't take this anymore. I run up to her and reach my hands out to help her up. Almost immediately she takes my hands and slams her body into mine.

     "Kara?" I say but no response. "Kara?" Still no response. I pull out of the hug and pull her toward the couch and make her sit down next to me. I wipe all her tears away. "Tell me what happened?" I ask her. She just shakes her head. I grab both of her hands. I pull away when i feel I feel something on my hand. I look at my hands and see there is blood all over them.

     I turn her hands over and see cut all over them. I gasp and look up at her. "What the hell happened? Did someone do this to you?" She shakes her head. "Umm....... I did this myself" she whispers. My eyes widen. "Why? Are you unhappy." I say. "No. I think I need help." She tells me. She looks at me with sad eyes and says. "Has this ever happened before?" She slowly nods her head. "Umm. Yeah once but it was a very long time ago, and Alex helped me through it." She tells me. "Okay I am going to call Alex right now. Don't move." I tell her and get up and head to my room to go call Alex. I pick up my phone and call Alex. 'Do you have any idea what time it is Lena?' She says sleepily. Oh yeah forgot that it was like three o' clock in the morning, oh well. 'Um, sorry but something happened to Kara. She needs you. Can you come over?' I say. 'Yeah I will be there in five minutes.' she says then hangs up.

     I go back to Kara and find her sitting on the couch looking down at her hands. I go into the kitchen and get a cloth. I walk over to Kara and sit down next to her. "Can you tell me what happened?" I ask. She looks up at me and nods a little bit. "I dreamed about when I killed that guy. It was terrible. I dreamed he had a daughter. And it is the same dream every single night. It is like it is on a loop, and it is killing me not knowing who he really is." She tells me. I am shocked. How long has she been having these nightmares.

        "How long have you been having this dream?" I ask her. "A couple of weeks." She says quietly. "Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you if you would have told me." I tell her. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to worry about me." She says. I stand starting to get angry. "When are you going to get it I LOVE YOU. I worry about you every single day. If just told me what was happening i could have helped you get through this, but instead of telling me you let yourself get worse and now your'e hurt and I don't know what to do." I say

     She opens her mouth getting ready to say something but gets interrupted by a loud knock. I walk over to the door and open it. Alex is standing there. She runs past me and kneels in front of Kara. "What's wrong?" She asks Kara. "I'm sorry i thought I didn't need your help this time." She says and starts to cry. Alex gets up and pulls Kara up and they hug while Kara continues to cry while Alex tries to calm her down. 


     After Kara stopped crying she fell back asleep on the couch. I have never seen her this bad before. Last time was when she first came to live with us. I walk up to Lena who is just staring at Kara. "Lena?" I say. She looks up at me. "What happened?" I ask her. "I was sleeping and I heard her scream and saw her crying..and uh then her hands were bleeding."

     "What! Why didn't you tell me." I say. I hurry over to Kara and pick up her hands. Thank God it is not bad, just a few cuts. "I can't believe this is happening again." I say. "Lena can u get me a couple of towels?" I ask. She goes into the kitchen and comes back with what I asked for. I wrap the towels around both of her hands.

     "I am going to take her back to my place. She needs some real help if it is anything like last time, and by the looks of it. It is way worse." I say. She nods. "Can i say goodbye?" I nod and back away a little to give them their space.

     "Kara. Babe. Wake up." Lena says gently shaking Kara awake. Kara opens her eyes. She sits up. "What is wrong?" Kara asks Lena. "As much as I hate to day it you need to go stay with your sister, so you can get better." Lena tell her. "Okay. Just promise me one thing and I will go." Kara says. "Anything." "Just promise me you will be here when I am ready to come home." Kara says.

    Lena nods. "Yeah of course. Just get better." Lena leans in to kiss her. They kiss and then Lena pulls back and helps Kara over to me. "Just make shure she gets better." Lena tells me. "Of course. I will call you if anything happens." I put my arm around Kara's shoulder and we head to the car.

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now