What The Hell Is This

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     I open my eyes and I try to move my hands but I can't. I look down and see my hands are strapped down to a chair. What the hell happened? "You're finally awake." Somebody says. I look up and see my cold hearted bitch of a mother. "What the hell is this?" I say. "Well my dear daughter you are going to help me." She says. "Sure I will help you die." I say and smirk.

      She walks toward me and slaps across my face. "You haven't even heard my plan yet. You are going to help me break out your brother and help me kill all the aliens starting with the supers." She tells me. A actually laugh. "Okay let me get this straight you think I am going to help you kill the girl I love more than anything and break out the devil himself out."

      I tell her. "So that is a no?" She asks me. " No that is a fuck no. No way in hell I would betray the woman I love more than anything." I tell her. She nods and knocks on the door twice and it opens and a man comes in with a big bag and hands it to my mother and then leaves. Oh no this is probably not good. She takes out a knife and starts twirling it in her hands.

     "I am going to ask you again, will you help me?" She asks me. "No way in hell." I say while trying to prepare myself for all the pain that is soon to come. She nods and then cuts my arm. Ugh that hurt so much. "Ugh you bitch!" I yell at her. She walks back to the bag and gets a metal bat and walks over to me.

        " Apologize now or else." She says. "Okay, okay. I am so sorry you are such a pathetic bitch you have too torture your own daughter." I say. She hit me in the leg with the bat. I scream when I hear a crack. Now that really hurt. No matter what she does to me I will never betray Kara and her friends and family.


     I just love torturing people. Everybody should find there passion in life, for example mine is torturing people. The only thing i don't like is that sometimes it takes a while to crack some people. When I hit Lena with that bat and heard that crack it was so satisfying. I just love seeing my daughter in pain, but I think everybody feels that way though.

     "You just broke my god damn leg." She tells me. "Stop being a baby it is probably just fractured." I bend down to look at it. I laugh. "Oh no that shit is definitely broken. You might want to get that checked out." I say while laughing. I suddenly feel very hungry. "I am parched. Torturing is a lot of work. Be back later. Don't go anywhere." I say. "Oh wait you can't." I say while laughing. Sometimes I can just be really funny. Ahh you got to love evil humor. I walk out and find something to eat. I am in the mood for Mexican.


    Today me and Alex are going to go to the DEO today to go find Lena. I hope everything goes as plans. I get out of bed take a shower and look for some breakfast and find a note on the counter. 'Hey sleepy head meet me at the DEL at noon. I went home so I could be with my woman. Call me if you need anything. Love you sis

    Okay so I have an hour until I have to leave. I will just go out for breakfast and head over to the DEO. I get dressed and head out to get some breakfast. When I walk into the  restaurant I sit down. A waitress comes up to me and asks for my order "ummm I think I will have 7 pancakes." I say. "Okay. My name is Casey if you need anything just ask me." She says and walks away.

     Awe she is so nice. I look around and find a suspicious guy dressed in a nice all black suit looking at me. That is weird. Casey comes back with my glass of water. "Thank you." I say. "No problem. Need anything else I think your food is almost done." She says. I shake my head. That guy gets up and pulls out a gun and points it at Casey's head. Everybody screams. Another guy comes out and blocks the exit.

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now