Don't leave me

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     I walk into Kara's room to confront her. She is just sitting there staring at the wall. "What the hell Kara. Why did you say that to Lena?" I say. She just looks at me and starts to sob uncontrollably. I rush over to her and hold her. "Shhh. It's gonna be okay." "No....No..I'm...a monster." She says in between sobs. I hold her until she stops crying. "hey look at me." I say. She slowly look at me. "You. Are. A. Hero. Kara you saved Lena." She shakes her head. "No, I'm done trying to save people.  All I do is hurt them. Look how i hurt Lena, but I hurt you most of all and I am very sorry for that."

     "What do you mean?" I ask really confused. " I got Jeremiah killed. If I never come to live with you he would still be alive." She says crying. "I know that wasn't your fault. Kara wher is this coming from?" I ask. "I am really tired, I think you should go." she says. I could see her trying her hardest not to cry again. "Kara-" "Don't. Get out!" She yells. "Okay, okay. I am coming back later to check on you, and we are going to talk about this." I say seriously. "yeah. Whatever.


     I knock and Lena opens the door. "Lena, are you okay?" "No I probably just ruined the best thing in my life." She says. "Can I come in? We need to talk." "yeah. Sure come in." We go over and sit on the couch. "Something is very wrong with Kara. She is pushing everyone away. She is trying to get me to think that my Dad's death was all her fault. She told me she isn't going to be Supergirl anymore." "what can I do?" she asks. "Help me convince her thay none of this is her fault. But we need to hurry, before she does something stupid." "okay, let's go." Lena says


     I think someone is controlling me. When me and Alex were talking I didn't want her to leave and I didn't mean an of the things that I said to her. Someone in my mind is telling me to get up and go kill the guy who did this to me and kill everyone that gets in my way. I slowly get up ignoring the pain all over my body. I walk towards where he is being held. When I get to his cell he is asleep. I knock on the glass. " Oh hello Kara Danvers." He says cheerfully. "How do you know my name. You know what it doesn't matter. I'm gonna kill you." "yeah right. Remember last time." He said. God I hate him so much. I open the door to his cell. He tries to attack me, but i block it and hit him in the face until I am sure he is dead.

     "Kara what did you do?" I hear Alex say. "What needed to be done." Suddenly there is a painful sensation in my head. I fall to the ground screaming. "KARA!!! Stay with me." I hear Lena say. "Please, Kara I can't loose you. I just got you back." The i fade into the darkness.


     When we arrive at the DEO Kara is not in her bed. "I think I know where she is. Follow me." I say. I think she went to 'talk' with the guy who attacked her. I open the door and Kara is standing over the guy who almost killed her.She has a a lot of blood on her face and hands, not even to mention all the blood on her suit. "Kara what did you do." She stand up "What needed to be done." she says with no emotion at all.Something is definitely wrong. Kara clutches her head like she is in a lot of pain. She falls to the ground screaming.

     Lena rushes over to her and puts her head in her lap. "KARA!!! Stay with me. Please, Kara I can't loose you. I just got you back."Kara closes her eyes. "what the hell was that." Lena asks me. "I have no idea, i think CADMUS is controlling her. I think I have an idea that will fix all of this. Can bring Kara to the med bay?" I ask Lena. "Ya i got her." She says.


     I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the med bay to meet up with Alex, ignoring all the stares and comments of everyone at the DEO. I walk in and lay her on the bed. Alex walks in and says "Okay, we are going to to do a brain scan to see if CADMUS implanted anything. It should only take a few minutes to complete.


"Okay do want the bad newsa or good first?" Alex asks me. "The bad." I say. "Okay CADMUS did do something to Kara, but we can fix it with surgery." She says. "Is it risky?" "Very, but it is our only option." She says "When are you going to do it?" "Now. You can stay in the room, but you have to stay out of the way." She says. I nod in response.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Lena..... Lena. Wake up." I hear. I slowly open my eyes to see Alex. "Is Kara okay?" "Kind of she is in a light coma. The doctors say she may notwake up for a couple of weeks, but it could also be a couple of months, or it could be sooner. The truth is that they don't really know." " Can I stay with her?" I ask. "Yeah. Of course Lena. She will get through this, i promise I won't let her die." "Thanks. Alex you're the best." I giver her a quick hug and go into the room where Kara is.

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now