For Us

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I was staring out at the city. It was something me and Lena used to do together when either of us had a rough day. I miss her so much. I just wish she could tell me what happened and if I could fix it. I doubt things will ever be the same between us. I am interrupted when I hear something. I look around and see a letter on the ground.

I get up and pick it up off the floor. When I pick it up I notice my name written on it. I would know that hand writing anywhere. It was Lena's. I debated not opening it for a second and then I carefully ripped it open it. I open the folded a peice of paper. It read
Dear my sweet love, my everything please just know that I am very sorry for causing you pain, that certainly wasn't my intention. But just know I did it for us. The future us that I always dreamed about. Please don't give up on me. On us. The reason I left was that I made a deal with my mother when you couldn't remember. She said she could fix whatever happened to you. She said she could helpn you remeber  She said all I had to do is come work for her. I'm sorry I had to do it for you. For us. Meet me at my place 5 days from now at midnight. I get it if you don't show, just know that I love you and if you do decide to show up please come alone.
-love Lena.

I drop the letter and I hear something. I pick it back up and I see a ring with a note taped on it. 'Please don't give up on us. I love you. This is a promise that I will come back to you.' I fall down and start crying. She sacrificed herself so we could have a chance in the future. I will do whatever it takes to save her.

     I get up and text Alex to come over. I hear a knock on the door and I open it. "Kara are you okay?" She asks me. "Just read this." I tell her and hand her the letter. I decide to keep the ring. She doesn't need to know about that. Yet. She looks up at me and hands me back the letter. "Well...that was um interesting." She says. "Interesting!!! Are you kidding me. This means that Lena is in trouble! And all you have to say is that it is interesting!!" I yell at her. She looks at me shocked.

     I cover my mouth with my hands in shock that I just yelled at my sister who came over here without any hesitation to see if I was okay. She hugs me before I can get my apology out. We both sit down on the floor. She puts my head in her lap and starts playing with my hair when I stopped crying. "Are you going to meet her at her apartment?" Alex asks me breaking the silence. "Yes. But can you and the DEO back me up." I say. "Why I thought you trusted her?" "I do more than anything, but what if Lena's mom is just using Lena against me. I need to be ready for that." I tell her sadly.

      "Yeah of course. I always have your back. No matter what." She says smiling. "Thank you. Can we go over it tommorow. I am really tired." I say while yawning. She nods and walks towards the door waving. "Don't go. I really don't want to be alone right now." I beg. She turns around "Of course. Whatever you need." She tells me while we head to my bed and drift off to sleep.

     I wake up and I smell coffee. I need it after last night. I get up and I see Alex in the kitchen cooking some eggs and drinking some coffee. She pours another cup and slides it over towards me "Thank you." I say. She just smiles in response. She is never quiet. I am pretty sure ahe was talking when she was born, making some sarcastic comment. I laugh. She looks at me weird. "What's so funny?" She asks me. "Nothing. I just crack myself up sometimes."

         I say while laughing some more. "Dork." She mutters. "You do realize I have super hearing, right?" She laughs "Yes that is why I never brought anybody over to the house." She says while laughing. I roll my eyes "Are you sure that is the only reason?" I ask. She hits me and the walks away and starts watching some random show on the Tv.

     I sit down next to her. "Hey Alex." "Mmm." She says. "Uh thanks for helping me i know you probably aren't Lena's biggest fan right now so thank you for helping." I tell her. "I know Lena means well. She is doing all of this for you and she makes you really happy." She hits my shoulder playfully " And you know I would do anything for you." She says while smiling. I hug her and whisper another thank you. "I swear if you say thank you one more time I won't help you." She tells me when we stop hugging.

     "Yeah. Okay." I say not believing her. She is never one to break a promise. "How about we have a sister night and order some Chinese food." She tells me. "I call all the potstickers." I say. "Like always." She says as she calls the Chinese take out place.


     When I arrive at Lcorp I see my mother waiting outside. Ugh I hope she didn't just get here. I wanted to be late. I always loved defying my mother. I get out of the car and dreadfully walk over to her. "Lena where the hell have you been i have been waiting here for 5 minutes!!!!" She yells at me. "Yeah You do look a little older." I say while holding in a laugh. "Get your ass in the car before I make you." I roll my eyes and walk over to the black SUV.

    When I open the door i see 2 guy with guns and my mother behind me. "Ahh Lena don't mind them they are just here to keep you in line." She tells me. "Whatever." I say and sit between them. Could this get anymore awkward. No I think not. "Where are you taking me anyway?" I ask. She laughs "You will see soon enough." She says and looks to the guy to my left and everything goes dark.


    Why does she have to ask so many damn questions. I look at Damien and signal him to knock her out. He does and then her body slumps forward. It brings a smile to my face. Why does seeing my daughter in pain bring me joy. I am pretty sure everybody feels that way though. Why must this driver be so slow. I tap his shoulder and tell him to pull over.

      Once we stop I pull out my gun and shoot him in the head. I open the door and kick him out. Somebody will eventually find his body. He doesn't work for me, well anymore so it is not my concern. I start to drive. I look in the back seat and see my useless and pathetic daughter unconscious. She is so weak. Why can't she be more like Lex. Why can't she be in jail instead of him.

     Maybe I can try to break him out. I know what I can do. I will torture Lena until she breaks. Everybody breaks eventually, even supergirl. I will turn her evil so she can be an actual Luthor and live up to the name and we can take down the supers together as a family.


    After we watched a movie that I hated Kara fell asleep on the couch. I wish she could just be happy. Out of all the things she does for this city, and all the sacrifices  she deserves it more than anyone and I will do anything to make my little sister happy.

Suporcorp// Kara Danvers/ Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now